BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060329T000000Z DTEND:20060429T000000Z DESCRIPTION:UIC Asian American Awareness Month 2006\n - a celebration of cu lture and consciousness -\n \nTo download our calendar in full color\, go to <a href=""></a>.\n\nW ednesday\, March 29\nTHE MAKING OF AMERICANESE\nA conversation between Sha wn Wong (author\, American Knees)\, Eric Byler (director\, Charlotte Somet imes)\, and Tim Hugh (director of the Chicago Asian American Showcase). Wo ng and Byler will show clips from the movie Americanese\, which will be pr emiering at the Chicago Asian American Showcase. Based on Wong's novel\, t he film is a romantic drama that tells an "Asian American love story" abou t the relationship between Chinese American Raymond Ding and Japanese Iris h American Aurora Crane. Panelists will discuss the movie within the conte xt of Asian American film and cultural expression. For more information on the Americanese movie premiere on Friday\, Mar. 31 go to <a href="http://"></a>. Book signing and refreshments will foll ow.\nOrganized by the Asian American Awareness Month Planning Committee an d the Greater Chicago Asian American Studies Network.\n3:00 p.m.\nLecture Center C-4\n\nMonday\, April 3\nHEREANDNOW AND TEATRO NUEVA ALMA: THE ONE VOICE TOUR\nFeaturing performers from <a href="http://www.hereandnowtheatr">hereandnow</a> and Teatro Nuevo Alma theatre companies\, The One V oice Tour\, is inspired by personal stories and experiences. The show is a collaborative effort between two different cultural backgrounds\, Asian a nd Latino\, exploring the threads of culture that bind and break us. Rece ption to follow.\nOrganized by the Rafael Cintron-Ortiz Latino Cultural Ce nter\, Sigma Alpha Iota and the Asian American Awareness Month Planning Co mmittee.\n4:00 p.m.\nL285 Education\, Performing Arts\, and Social Work\n\ nThursday\, April 6\nASAM BROWN BAG: "WHERE ARE YOU FROM?"\nWhy are Asian Americans so often asked "Where are you from?" How do many Asian Americans answer this loaded question? Bring your lunch. Dessert is provided.\nOrga nized by the Asian American Resource and Cultural Center.\nNoon\nAsian Ame rican Resource and Cultural Center\, 101 Taft Hall\n\nMonday\, April 10\nI NTERNATIONAL ADOPTION: RESEARCH REVIEW AND CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS\nDr. Rich ard M. Lee from the University of Minnesota will talk about his research o n the cultural socialization and mental health of Korean adoptees.\nOrgani zed by the Asian American Resource and Cultural Center.\n3:00 p.m.\n4105 B ehavioral Sciences Building\n\nTuesday\, April 11\nMR. ASIAN SENS-ASIAN\nM r. Asian Sens-Asian is a male talent competition that serves as a vehicle to break Asian-American male stereotypes as well as to raise awareness of issues that affect the Asian American student population.\nOrganized by Ko rean Americans United Serving Equality.\nDoors open at 5:30 p.m.\n6:00-9:0 0 p.m.\nIllinois Room\, UIC Student Center East\n\nThursday\, April 13\nTA KEOUT COMEDY PRESENTSS\nCome out for a night of fun with Asian American co medians Jami Gong\, Paul Ogata\, and Shecky Wong. These hilarious comedian s change perceptions of Asian Americans in the performing arts. The premi er Asian American Comedy Showcase seeks to break stereotypes and make you laugh!\nOrganized by the Asian American Awareness Month Planning Committee .\n7:00 p.m.\nIllinois Room\, UIC Student Center East\n\nSaturday\, April 15\nUPROOT: A CULTURAL SHOWCASE OF OUR GENERATION\nFilipinos in Alliance p roudly presents the fourth annual Uproot\, an evening of performance meant to convey the Filipino American experience. From traditional and modern dances to spoken word\, these performances challenge any narrow definition of who we are as Filipinos in America. For more info\, go to fia.pages.u\nOrganized by Filipinos in Alliance.\n7:00 p.m.\nIllinois Room\, U IC Student Center East\n$5\n\nSaturday\, April 15\nAPNA DESH KE RANG (THE COLORS OF OUR COUNTRY)\nThis is a showcase of various talents which includ e dancing\, singing\, and acting\, that incorporates traditional Indian cu lture with the emerging Westernized culture. Please join us to celebrate a n unforgettable evening with sensational performances! For tickets\, pleas e call (224) 558-1654.\nOrganized by the Indian Students Association.\n6:3 0 p.m.\nNorth Shore Center for the Performing Arts\n$15 Advance\n$20 Door\ n\nTuesday\, April 18\nRECLAMATION!\nLike to read poetry or sing in front of a great audience? Got a performance piece that you¹ve been keeping se cret? Come to the Asian American Coalition Committee¹s open mic\, ³Recla mation!² This event was created to give you a safe space to perform your words\, thoughts\, and music in order to reclaim your voice and break barr iers that have historically left our communities silenced.\nOrganized by t he Asian American Coalition Committee.\n6:00-9:00 p.m.\nMontgomery Ward Ga llery\, UIC Student Center East\n\nWednesday\, April 19\nLIFE AFTER UIC ­ PERSPECTIVES FROM ASIAN AMERICAN ALUMNI\nUIC Asian American alumni discus s their experiences and answer questions about their careers and lives aft er graduation.\nOrganized by State Farm ®\, the University of Illinois Al umni Association and affiliate group Asian American Alumni Network\, and t he Asian American Awareness Month Planning Committee.\n4:00-6:00 p.m.\n713 \, UIC Student Center East\n\nWednesday\, April 19\nASIAN AMERICAN CRAFT W ORKSHOP\nCome make some Asian and Asian American crafts such as origami ar rangements\, games\, and painting!\nOrganized by the Craft Shop.\n4:00-8:0 0 p.m.\nCraft Shop\, UIC Student Center West\n\nWednesday\, April 24\nASAM EXPO\nStudents fro the first Introduction to Asian American Studies class at UIC exhibit their research projec ts. Come learn about a variety of so cial\, historical\, political\, and cultural topics relating to Asian Amer icans.\nExhibits from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.\; formal presentations from 3:00 t o 4:00 p.m.\nAll are welcome.\nOrganized by the ASAM 100 class.\n2:00-5:00 p.m.\nLocation TBA\n\nSaturday\, April 29\nIMAGINASIAN\nImaginASIAN is a cultural and social event that allows students\, faculty\, and staff to ex perience the diverse cultures of Asian Americans. This showcase brings ou t a variety of talents from UIC and the local community.\nFor more info\, visit the Web site at\nOrganized by the Asian America n Students in Alliance.\n6:00-10:00 p.m.\nIllinois Room\, UIC Student Cent er East\n$5 UIC students\, faculty\, and staff\n$7 General public\n \nEven ts are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.\n \nFor more in formation\, visit the Asian American Resource and Cultural Center online a t <a href=""></a> or call (312) 413-9569.\n \nIf you have a disability and need an accommodatio n in order to participate in an event\, please call (312) 413-9569 and eve ry effort will be made to provide an accommodation.\n \n \nLOCATIONS\nBeha vioral Sciences Building\n1007 West Harrison Street\n \nEducation\, Perfor ming Arts\, and Social Work\n1040 West Harrison Street\n \nLecture Center C\n802 South Halsted Street\n\nNorth Shore Center for the Performing Arts\ n9501 Skokie Boulevard\nSkokie\, Illinois\n\nTaft Hall\n826 South Halsted Street\n\nUIC Student Center East\n750 South Halsted Street\n\nUIC Student Center West\n828 South Wolcott Avenue\n \n \nPLANNING COMMITTEE ORGANIZAT IONS\nalpha Kappa Delta Phi\nAsian American Coalition Committee\nAsian Ame rican Resource and Cultural Center\nAsian American Students in Alliance\nC ampus Programs\nChancellor's Committee on the Status of Asian Americans\nC hi Sigma Tau\nFilipinos in Alliance\nKorean Americans United Serving Equal ity\nLiberty in North Korea\nRafael Cintron-Ortiz Latino Cultural Center\n Sigma Alpha Iota\nState Farm ®\nUniversity of Illinois Alumni Association with affiliate group Asian\nAmerican Alumni Network\n \n \nSPONSORS\nAsia n American Resource and Cultural Center\nChancellor¹s Committee on the St atus of Asian Americans\nCollege of Education\nCollege of Engineering\nCol lege of Liberal Arts and Sciences\nCollege of Medicine\nCollege of Nursing \nDepartment of English\nDepartment of Gender and Women¹s Studies\nDepart ment of Psychology\nDepartment of Sociology\nGreater Chicago Asian America n Studies Network\nHonors College\nJane Addams College of Social Work\nLat in American and Latino Studies Program\nOffice of School Relations ­ Proj ect CHANCE\nOffice of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs\nRafael Cint ron-Ortiz Latino Cultural Center\nSchool of Public Health\nState Farm ®\n Student Activities Funding Committee\nUndergraduate Student Government\nUn iversity of Illinois Alumni Association\n DTSTAMP:20241209T000805Z SUMMARY:UIC Asian American Awareness Month\, Chicago\, IL\, USA URL:/en/events/2006/03/29/uic-asian-american-awareness-month-chicago/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR