BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080517T000000Z DTEND:20080517T000000Z DESCRIPTION:TIES THAT BIND TO HOLD SYMPOSIUM ON “THE STATE AND FUTURE OF THE NIKKEI COMMUNITY” AT SECOND ANNUAL NIKKEI COMMUNITY DAY \n\nTies Tha t Bind will open the Second Annual Nikkei Community Day with a symposium o n “The State and Future of the Nikkei Community” on Saturday\, May 17\ , 10 a.m. to 12 noon\, in JACCC Garden Room A. This year’s theme\, “Ch anging Landscape: From Redress to Redevelopment to Redefinition\,” will serve as the launching pad for discussion for the morning speakers. Everyo ne concerned about the future of the community is encouraged to attend. Fl oyd Mori\, National Director of the Japanese American Citizens League (JAC L)\, will serve as keynote speaker. As the Japanese American community com memorates the 20th anniversary ofthe Japanese American redress bill\, Mori will speak about the great victory the community achieved in obtaining re dress for World War II injustices\, and how it can inspire Nikkei to tackl e the challenges facing the community today. Dr. Dean Toji\, professor of Asian American Studies at California State University\, Long Beach\, will lead a segment on "Framing our Community." He will discuss current myths a boutthe Nikkei population in light of research data\, describe past succes ses of community leaders building vital community centers and programs fro m the 1950s to 1980s\, and present future challenges for the community in finding a new vision\, re-defining a mission and purpose\, and developing strong leadership to enable it to survive and prosper. Chris Aihara\, Exec utive Director of JACCC\, and Glenn Kawafuchi\, Owner and Principal of Kaw afuchi Consulting\, will conduct the third segment entitled\, "Suggesting a Model for Planning for the Future.” As temple member and process facil itator respectively\, they will present and discuss their experiences help ing Senshin Buddhist Temple go through a “re-visioning” process\, whic h included a discussion of leadership change and succession. Bill Watanabe \, Executive Director of Little Tokyo Service Center and Chair of Ties Tha t Bind and the Nikkei Community Day Planning Committee\, will serve as sym posium moderator andwill conduct a question-and-answer period after each s egment.\n \nThe symposium continues the dialogue that has been going on fo r over a decade on the future ofthe Nikkei community. It was this concern that led community leaders to organize several national and local conferen ces to address the question of how the community will survive in the 21st century. Here in the Los Angeles area\, over 400 Nikkei from all over Cali fornia gathered in 1998 for the Ties That Bind Conference\, and over 60 N ikkei leaders from the local area gatheredin 2002 for Ties That Bind II (T TB2). Out of TTB2 came recommendations concerning what the community coul d do to ensure its viability for the future. The leaders who followed up a nd took on the task of implementing the recommendations\, formed a group w hich continued to meet monthly under the name of the two conferences. Henc e\, the group\, Ties That Bind\, was born.\n\nIn 2003\, Ties That Bind cre ated the annual one-week Japanese American heritage summer daycamp for mid dle school children called Camp Musubi. In September 2005\, it organized T ies That Bind 3\, a conference on the preservation of Little Tokyo as a hi storic heritage community. In July 2006\, it launched the Little Tokyo His torical Society to collect\, preserve\, and disseminate the rich history o f Little Tokyo. And on May 12\, 2007\, it put on the First Annual Nikkei C ommunity Day. Nikkei Community Day is a one-day celebration of Japanese an d Japanese American heritage\,community\, and culture sponsored by Ties Th at Bind in collaboration with the Nikkei Federation\, Little Tokyo Service Center\, Japanese American Cultural and Community Center\, Japanese Ameri can Citizens League\, and Little Tokyo Recreation Center. It is part of a whole weekend festival called Little Tokyo FunFest which includes the San Tai San (3-on-3) Basketball Tournament sponsored by the Recreation Center on Saturday\, Children’s Day Chibi K Fun Run and cultural workshops spo nsored by JACCC on Sunday\, and the Asian Pacific Arts& Crafts Faire spons ored by JACCC on both days.\n\nFor more information\, contact Cyril Nishim oto at 818-541-9089 or\, or go to www.myspace .com/ttbncd DTSTAMP:20240911T170618Z SUMMARY:Nikkei Community Day\, Little Tokyo\, Los Angeles\, CA URL:/en/events/2008/05/17/nikkei-community-day-little-tokyo-los-angeles-ca/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR