BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240504T000000Z DTEND:20240504T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Ryūkyūan Spirituality &amp\; Lunar Events in the Spri ng\n</strong>\nOnline presentation by <strong>Yukiko Akamine</strong> in O kinawa\n\n<strong>Online via Zoom and in-person at the OAA Center</strong> \n16500 S. Western Ave.\, Gardena\, CA 90247 (Yamauchi Bldg.)\nFREE ADMISS ION!\n\n<strong>Register here:\n</strong>\n\n---\ n\nOn May 4 (Saturday)\, 4 p.m. Pacific\, the Okinawa Association of Ameri ca (OAA)’s Young Okinawans of Southern California (YOSC) will host “Ry ūkyūan Spirituality and Lunar Events in the Spring” online via Zoom an d in-person at the OAA Center in Gardena. Please register here: m/yosc-lunar-24\, (310) 532-1929.\n\nLecturer Yukiko Akamine (University o f the Ryukyus\, Okinawa International University\, Okinawa University) wil l be joining the event online from Okinawa. Her in-depth presentation will include introductions to Okinawan spirituality\, ancestor worship\, and t he Lunar calendar with a focus on important springtime traditions.\n\nIn-p erson attendees will have a chance to taste <em>chinbin</em>\, a tradition al crepe-like dessert that is traditionally served on <em>Yukka nu Hii</em > (during which dragon boat races are held and <em>chinbin</em> is served at the family altar to pray for the health of children). (Subject to chang e)\n\nThe OAA Center is located at 16500 S. Western Ave.\, Gardena 90247. On-site parking is accessible behind the Western Avenue buildings off 165t h Place. The event will be hosted in the Yamauchi Building (south side of the lot). For online participants\, the Zoom link will be emailed on the d ay of (please check the spam/promotions folder).\n\nAwarded as one of 2023 ’s California Nonprofits of the Year\, the Okinawa Association of Americ a\, Inc. (OAA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is dedicated to preserving and promoting Okinawan culture. Formed by first generation Oki nawan immigrants (issei)\, the OAA has grown into a multi-generational org anization that hosts numerous events throughout the year including cultura l lectures\, performances\, social gatherings\, and senior-focused activit ies. 2024 marks the organization’s 115th anniversary as well as the 25th anniversary of the OAA Center in Gardena. DTSTAMP:20240601T222207Z SUMMARY:Lecture: Okinawan Spirituality and Lunar Events in the Spring (Hybr id) URL:/en/events/2024/05/04/lecture-okinawan-spirituality-and-lunar-events-in / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR