BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240309T000000Z DTEND:20240309T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>March 9\, 2024 • 3 p.m. PST</strong>\n(Optional inter active <em>eisa</em> tutorials: 4:30 p.m.-5 p.m.)\n\n<strong>March 9</ strong>\n• 1 p.m. (Honolulu)\n• 3 p.m. (Los Angeles / Seattle / Vancou ver)\n• 5 p.m. (Dallas / Mexico City / Chicago)\n• 6 p.m. (Lima / New York / Toronto)\n• 8 p.m. (São Paulo / Buenos Aires)\n• 11 p.m. (Lond on)\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>March 10</strong>\n• 12 a.m. (Amsterdam) \n• 7 a.m. (Manila)\n• 8 a.m. (Tokyo)\n• 10 a.m. (Sydney)\n\n<em><st rong>Eisa</strong> </em>is a traditional Okinawan folk dance and musical performance to honor the spirit of Okinawan ancestors. As Okinawans migrat ed and settled all over the world\, their music and dance traditions trave led with them.\n\nJoin us for a conversation and Q&amp\;A moderated by <st rong>Shari Y. Tamashiro</strong> with members of contemporary <em>eisa</e m> groups—<strong>Lisa Tamashiro</strong> (Chinagu Eisa Hawaii)\, <st rong>Rentaro Suzuki</strong> (Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko Los Angeles Branch )\, <strong>John Azama</strong> (Ryukyu Damashii)\, <strong>Cecilia Nue </strong> (Seiryu Eisa Kai)\, and <strong>Toshiyuki Yamauchi</strong> ( Yuriki no Kizuna Eisá Daiko)—as they discuss how <em>eisa</em> connec ts them to their cultural heritage and identity. An interactive beginners tutorial and opportunity to talk with members from various <em>eisa</em>  groups will follow the program.\n\nThe main program will be presented vi a Zoom with simultaneous translation in English\, Spanish\, and Portuguese . Registration is required using the form below. Limited space is availabl e.\n\n<p style="font-weight: bold\;"><strong><a href="https://www.surveymo" target="_blank"><strong>REGISTER NOW</strong></a></str ong>\n<p style="font-weight: bold\;"><em>*Deadline to register: Friday\, M arch 8 • 10 a.m. (PST) | 1 p.m. (Lima) | 3 p.m. (São Paulo)</em>\n\nV isit the <a href="/events/dn-programs/#eisa">Discover Nikkei Programs</a> page for more details.\n\n<em>This program is presented by the Japanese Am erican National Museum’s Discover Nikkei project. Community Partners: Ok inawan Association of America\, Inc.\; Hawaii United Okinawa Association\; Peru Okinawa Association\; Associação Okinawa Kenjin do Brasil / Centro Cultural Okinawa do Brasil. Supported by The Nippon Foundation.</em>\n\n DTSTAMP:20240602T013326Z SUMMARY:Yeisaa nu Chimu-Don-Don: Exploring Cultural Identity through Okinaw an Drumming URL:/en/events/2024/03/09/yeisaa-nu-chimu-don-don-exploring-cultural-identi / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR