Descubra Nikkei

Her definition of Nikkei

For me being a Nikkei is a mixture of taking the best of both worlds, and combining them together, and the values honesty, and integrity, and respect, and family. Even though the family portion is very strong, and solid in both sides, the Colombian sides of family is very important. So is in the Japanese side. Family's very important. But I think also, but the culturally, the fun, and the mischief, and gaiety I think comes from the Colombian culture more than the Japanese culture. Even though I can't say Colombians also are very hardworking, very resourceful, they're just like jerry rig anything out of necessity. Third world countries have that spirit of creativity, and ingenuity just fixing problems with however you can. All those things just get combined in being Nikkei you just take from both, but at the same time you're neither. You are a perfect blend of both, but you aren't neither of them.

Colômbia Havaí identidade Nipo-americanos colombianos japoneses Nikkei Estados Unidos da América

Data: September 22, 2019

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Yoko Nishimura

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Monica Teisher nasceu em Cali, Colômbia, em 1974, pai Issei e mãe Nissei. Ela e sua grande família extendida eram ativas na comunidade japonesa de Cali, a maior da Colômbia. Ela se mudou para os Estados Unidos depois de se casar com um cidadão americano de descendência judaica do Leste Europeu. Eles e suas filhas passam férias na Colômbia, participando de eventos comunitários. (Maio de 2020)

Matsumoto,Juan Alberto

About Escobar (Spanish)

(n. 1962) Nikkei nipo-argentino de segunda geração

McKenna,Sabrina Shizue

Impacto de se assumir em sua família

(n. 1957) Juiz da Suprema Corte do Havaí.