BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060429T000000Z DTEND:20060429T000000Z DESCRIPTION:LOS ANGELES\, CA – The 37th annual Pilgrimage to Manzanar wil l be held on Saturday\, April 29\, 2006\, the Manzanar Committee announced this week. This year’s program\, with the theme “Footsteps in the Ha llway: The Effect of Internment on America’s Youth\,” will focus on t he effect of internment on America’s schools and their students. \n\nIn dividuals of non-Japanese descent who were from schools where Japanese Ame rican students left for internment are encouraged to submit a written acco unt of their experience during that time to the Manzanar Committee\, to be possibly shared at this year’s Pilgrimage. Submissions may to emailed to <a></a> or mailed to the Manzanar Committee at P.O. B ox 862368\, Los Angeles\, CA 90086. Please include contact information wh ere the former student may be reached. \n\nManzanar is located approxima tely 200 miles north of Los Angeles on Highway 395. During World War II\, it was a U.S. Government-run internment camp for 10\,000 persons of Japan ese ancestry. Eighty percent of the internees came from Los Angeles Count y.\n\nCongress established Manzanar as a National Historic Site on Februar y 19\, 1992\, the 50th anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066 by President Franklin Roosevelt. Executive Order 9066 authorized the mili tary to remove 110\,000 men\, women and children of Japanese ancestry livi ng on the west coast\, two-thirds of whom were American citizens. Manzana r is now under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service\, which has b een restoring and maintaining the site since it was transferred in 1997 fr om the City of Los Angeles\, Department of Water and Power\, to the Depart ment of the Interior. \n\nThe Manzanar Committee is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit \, all-volunteer organization that depends on community support to hold it s yearly Pilgrimage. More information can be found at <a href="http://www"></a> or by emailin g <a></a> or calling (626) 278-9944. \n\n DTSTAMP:20240602T135452Z SUMMARY:Thirty-Seventh Annual Pilgrimage to Manzanar on APRIL 29\, 2006 URL:/en/events/2006/04/29/thirty-seventh-annual-pilgrimage-to-manzanar-on-a p/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR