BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20051113T000000Z DTEND:20051113T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER</strong>\n<em>A Tribute Honor ing the Pioneer Orange County Japanese American Strawberry Farmers.</em>\n \nProject Kokoro invites you to a free event!\n\nThis program will be educ ational\, historical\, and informational. Even if you didn’t grow up in Orange County\, you will still be able to learn about a rich part of our J apanese American history. You can join us in honoring these hard working f arming families. We would like to capture and share the history of the Jap anese-American strawberry farming community in Orange County.\n\n<strong>S UNDAY NOVEMBER 13\, 2005\, 12:00 NOON TO 3:00PM</strong>\n\nOur guest spea ker is Naomi Hirahara\, a Southern Californian native who writes and edits books on the Japanese American experience. One of her books she will disc uss is\, <em>A Taste For Strawberries: The Independent Journey of Nisei Fa rmer Manabi Hirasaki</em>. Her books include mysteries and nonfiction. Her first novel\, <em>Summer of the Big Bachi</em>\, was included in Publishe rs Weekly’s list of “Best books of 2004”\, as well as “Best Myster y” lists of the Chicago Tribune and San Francisco Chronicle. It has been nominated for a Macavity Award for best first novel. The second in the se ries\, <em>Gasa-Gasa Girl</em>\, was released in April 2005 and was on the Southern California Booksellers’ Association bestseller list for two we eks. The third in the series\, <em>Snakeskin Shamisen</em>\, will be publi shed in May 2006. In the nonfiction genre\, Naomi has written biographies of notable Japanese American citizens. She also operates a “legacy press \,” Midori Books\, which produces publications for families and organiza tions. She previously worked as an editor and reporter of The Rafu Shimpo\ , a bilingual Japanese American daily newspaper in Los Angeles. Naomi and her husband reside in Southern California. \n\n<!--break-->\nOur other spe akers will be:\n<li>Arthur A. Hansen\, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of History and Asian American Studies at California State University\, Fullerton\n<l i>The Orange County Agricultural & Nikkei Heritage Museum\n<li> Susan Uyem ura (Shoho) of The Miyawaki Legacy Project\n<li> The California Strawberry Commission</li></li></li></li><strong>Location:</strong> \nORANGE COUNTY BUDDHIST CHURCH (Multi Purpose Building-Gym)\n909 South Dale Ave\nAnaheim \, CA 92804\n\n<strong>COST:</strong>\nThe program is free and Project Kok oro will be offering an Optional Pre Sale Bento Lunch for $6/bento.\n\n<st rong>Mail RSVP (*Open the below PDF file) & Bento-Lunch order to:</strong> \nIrene Ito Koga 714-289-0240\n<a></a>\nDiana Ando Ono 3 10-516-9806\n<a></a>\n DTSTAMP:20240606T174350Z SUMMARY:Strawberry Fields Forever\, November 13\, 2005 from 12-3 p.m. at Anaheim\, CA URL:/en/events/2005/11/13/strawberry-fields-forever--november-13-2005-from- 1/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR