BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050409T000000Z DTEND:20050409T000000Z DESCRIPTION:[inline:1=Historical Society of So. Calif.]The <a href="http://">Historical Society of Southern California</a> presen ts its Tenth Annual History Conference on <strong>Saturday\, April 9\, 200 5 from 9:00am-3:30pm at the Autry National Center</strong>\, in Los Angele s.\n\nThis year's conference is entitled "Look\, Sip\, and Groove: Sensory Paths to L.A. History." Five creative scholars will explore Los Angeles history in a unique way. Sight and smell\, taste and sound\, represent ne w avenues through which scholars have traveled in their quests to understa nd the cultures of southern California. This conference will allow them a n opportunity to explore and share the history of our communities in a who le new light.\n\nDesigned for teachers\, students\, academic historians\, and the lay public under the theme of "Los Angeles: The Essence of a Commu nity\," the history conferences have presented an exciting array of speake rs and subjects over the past decade.\n\n<!--more-->\n<strong>Program Part icipants and Events:</strong>\n\nKeynote Address by Dr. Janet Fireman\, Ed itor\, California History\n\nNaomi Hirahara\, author of "A Scent of Flower s: the History of the Southern California Flower Market\, 1912-2004" and " Summer of the Big Bachi"\n\nErnest Siva\, Cultural Director for the Morong o Band\, presents "Voices of the Flute"\n\nThe Joseph O'Flaherty Teaching Award for excellence in the teaching of history in grades K-12 in the scho ols of Los Angeles will be presented\n\nDr. Victor Valle\, Director\, Amer ican Communities Program\, CSU Los Angeles\, and author of "A Curse of Tea and Potatoes" in "Encarnacion's Kitchen: Mexican Cooking In Nineteenth-Ce ntury California"\n\nDr. Jacqueline Cogdell DjeDje\, Department of Ethnomu sicology\, UCLA\, co-editor "California Soul: Music of African-Americans i n the West"\n\nRegistration for the conference is $60 to the public\; $45 for members of HSSC and AMWH\; $30 for teachers. Price includes lunch\, r efreshments\, reception\, resource packet\, and entrance to the Autry Muse um of the American West.\n\n<strong>To register\, please call the Historic al Society at (323) 222-0546\, or send an e-mail to michele@socalhistory.o rg.</strong> DTSTAMP:20240601T201806Z SUMMARY:2005-04-09 Los Angeles: "Look\, Sip & Groove: Sensory Paths to L.A. History" URL:/en/events/2005/04/09/2005-04-09-los-angeles-look-sip-groove-senso/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR