BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220212T000000Z DTEND:20220212T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>FREE</strong>\n\nJoin us <strong>virtually</strong> f or this special screening and Q&amp\;A!\n\nPresented in response to the ne w short film “Sincerely Miné Okubo\,” join scholars and family of Min é Okubo for a dynamic discussion on her art\, humor\, and legacy.\n\n<str ong>Maymanah Farhat</strong>\, <strong>Phil Tajitsu Nash</strong>\, <stron g>Seiko Buckingham</strong>\, and <strong>Miya Franks</strong> will explor e elements of Okubo’s life that are often overlooked\, in conversation w ith the filmmakers<strong> Yuka Murakami</strong> and <strong>Asuka Lin</s trong>.\n\n<em>“[Okubo] serves as a perfect example of an artist of colo r who is defiant and refused to ‘assimilate’ into the white male art w orld” - Mayamanah Farhat\, scholar</em>\n\n<em>“She was a great observ er of human nature\, her art reflected what was happening in the world at the time” - Seiko Buckingham\, Okubo’s niece</em>\n\n“Sincerely Min é Okubo” will be screened during the event and is currently showing in the exhibit\, <em>Miné Okubo’s Masterpiece: The Art of Citizen 13660</e m>\, at the Japanese American National Museum.\n\n<a href="https://9644p.b\;txobjid=646a43dd-ade8-47ec-a5 ba-37a89391022d">RSVP</a>\n\n<em>This program is the opening of the JANM 3 0th Anniversary Digital Film Festival (JDFF). The JDFF highlights works pr oduced by the Emmy Award winning <a href=""> Frank H. Watase Media Arts Center</a> through screenings and live Q&amp\;A sessions with those involved with the films.</em>\n\nThis program is held in conjunction with the exhibition\, <em>Miné Okubo’s Masterpiece: The Art of Citizen 13660</em>. DTSTAMP:20240603T011311Z SUMMARY:JANM 30th Anniversary Digital Film Festival—Sincerely Miné Okubo URL:/en/events/2022/02/12/janm-30th-anniversary-digital-film-festivalsincer / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR