BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20211211T000000Z DTEND:20211211T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>FREE</strong>\n\nJoin Nancy Oda\, Hiroshi Shimizu\, Mas umi Izumi\, Duncan Williams\, and David Yoo in a conversation moderated by Karen Umemoto around this groundbreaking new book\, <em>Tule Lake Stockad e Diary</em>. The diary\, originally written in Japanese and translated fo r the first time into English\, tells Tatsuo Ryusei Inouye's story of stru ggle and resilience in his own voice.\n\n<em>About the Book:</em>\n\nFreez ing winters\, starvation and terrible injustice is the stage for this Worl d War II diary by kibei Tatsuo Ryusei Inouye. At thirty three years old\, he bravely answered “No\, Yes” to the controversial loyalty questions based on his love of both the U.S. and Japan\, which caused he and his fam ily to be forced from Poston to Tule Lake Concentration Camp in October 19 43. He was arrested on November 13 because he signed in at a negotiating m eeting.\n\nHis rare wartime diary from this time sheds a light on Tatsuo I nouye’s fight for dignity during the three month long struggle in a free zing\, chaotic high security stockade in Tule Lake. He drew inner strength from his judo training and writing a detailed account of the food daily. His mind and spirit kept him strong. Tatsuo sent letters of love to his wo rried wife\, Yuriko\, and their two daughters\, Sayuri and Masako. The inj ustice of the Tule Lake was multiplied by the pain of the separation as th ey were distanced in a remote section of this high security camp.\n\nThe b ook includes images from the 1932 Olympic’s judo team\, war years\, and reunification of the broken family. Artwork by daughter\, Masako\, is also included. She was a delicate four-year-old whose healing finally began as she shaped her memories in clay seventy years later.\n\nTule Lake Stockad e Diary is available now in the JANM Store: <a href=" /collections/whats-new/products/tule-lake-stockade-diary" target="_blank"> ary</a>\n\n<a href=" &amp\;txobjid=6054927d-933a-41c9-ab2d-26c186c4689b">RSVP TO ATTEND IN PERS ON</a>\n\n<a href=" amp\;txobjid=1b68154c-3bce-4d86-b13b-685a59521027">RSVP TO ATTEND VIRTUALL Y</a> DTSTAMP:20240601T115533Z SUMMARY:Conversation on Tule Lake Stockade Diary by Tatsuo Ryusei Inouye URL:/en/events/2021/12/11/conversation-on-tule-lake-stockade-diary-by-tatsu o/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR