BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190604T000000Z DTEND:20190604T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Throughout Japanese history\, great care has gone into the crea tion of sake drinking and serving vessels. From brilliantly lacquered flas ks to sedate&nbsp\;<em>wabi-sabi</em>&nbsp\;cups\, many of these vessels a re true works of art. Your choice of sake vessel can even affect your drin king experience\, with size\, shape\, material and other aspects impacting the temperature\, taste and even manner of consuming. At Japan Society's 22nd Annual Sake Lecture and Tasting\, sake expert&nbsp\;<strong>Timothy S ullivan</strong>&nbsp\;explores the traditions and variety of sake vessels \, from practical to playful\, to help up your sake game.&nbsp\;\n<em>Foll owed by a tasting reception with more than 30 kinds of premium sake. Must be 21 years of age\, or older.</em>&nbsp\;\n<a href="https://www.japansoci">https://ww< /a> DTSTAMP:20240601T232033Z SUMMARY:Annual Sake Lecture &amp\; Tasting: Drinking Vessels URL:/en/events/2019/06/04/annual-sake-lecture-tasting-drinking-vessels/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR