BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170723T000000Z DTEND:20170723T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On Sunday\, July 23\, 1PM\, the Okinawa Association of America (OAA) in Gardena will host an information session about the Okinawa Prefec ture International Student Program (also known as the Kempi Scholarship).\ n\nEvery year\, the Okinawa Prefectural Government offers scholarships for young Okinawans (ages 18 to 35) to study in Okinawa for one year. This is a wonderful opportunity for young adults of full or partial Okinawan desc ent to learn about their ancestral heritage as well as develop relationshi ps with local and international Uchinaanchu.\n\nThe program offers two opt ions: 1) Study at one of the prefecture&rsquo\;s universities\, 2) Study a traditional art (e.g.\, sanshin\, dance\, textiles\, lacquer\, sanshin ma king). Application requirements include conversational Japanese skills (hi gher proficiency required for universities) and a relative or family frien d who lives in Okinawa to act as a guarantor in case of emergency.\n\nPres enters will explain the basics of the program and go through the extensive application and selection process. Past scholarship recipients will be in attendance to share their experiences and answer questions.\n\nApplicatio ns will be available to pick up at the event and at the OAA office by requ est. The deadline will be in mid-September\, but interested parties are en couraged to pick up the application as soon as possible because it will be a highly extensive process.\n\nThe OAA is located at 16500 South Western Avenue in Gardena. The event will be in Room 103 of the office building. P lease contact us for more information:\, 310-532-1929 .\n DTSTAMP:20240601T084922Z SUMMARY:Okinawa Study Abroad Opportunity: Info Session for California Appli cants URL:/en/events/2017/07/23/okinawa-study-abroad-opportunity-info-session-for / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR