BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150815T000000Z DTEND:20150815T000000Z DESCRIPTION:125th Anniversary Concerts\n\nCome and join the community in ce lebrating the 125th Anniversary of San Jose Japantown.\n\nThere will be tw o concerts\n\nAUGUST 15\, 2015 &bull\; 7:00PM\n SAN JOSE BUDDHIST CHURCH B ETSUIN\n featuring CHIDORI BAND\, SAN JOSE TAIKO\,\n SHIRLEY MURAMOTO &amp \; ODORI\n\n SEPT. 12\, 2015 &bull\; 7:00PM\n WESLEY UNITED METHODIST CHUR CH\n featuring WUMC JAZZ BAND\, WUMC\n UKULELE BAND &amp\; HALAU NA WAI OL A\n\nCost is: $15 individual / $20 at the door if available\n $25 for both SJBCB &amp\; WUMC events\n $10 age 65+ / 12 and under free\n\n Tickets av ailable at local Japantown retailers: Headliners\,\n Kogura Company\, Bisc uits &amp\; the Sunday Farmer&rsquo\;s Market DTSTAMP:20240601T003636Z SUMMARY:Celebrate 125 Years of Japantown San Jose URL:/en/events/2015/08/15/celebrate-125-years-of-japantown-san-jose/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR