BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140222T000000Z DTEND:20140222T000000Z DESCRIPTION:With the third anniversary of the "Great East Japan Earthquake" just around the corner\, many of you are wondering how the people are doi ng following the devastating 2011 earthquake and tsunami in northeastern J apan. JAMsj is hosting "Ai Love Japan-Tohoku Update 2014" Saturday\, Febru ary 22\, 2014 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. to answer those questions and show you what's changed in the Tohoku area.&nbsp\;\n\nThe event will feature a pic torial and video update by Darrell Miho\, Sansei photojournalist and co-fo under of Ai Love Japan\, who has been to Tohoku 12 times since March 2011. Miho will talk about his recent experiences in the areas hit by disaster in northeast Japan almost three years ago. This is a rare opportunity to s ee a photojournalist&rsquo\;s labor of love and hear about his first-hand experiences.\n\nWe will then have live\, one-on-one Skype video calls with people from the area\, giving participants the chance to interact with an d hear directly from those who were most affected. Light refreshments will be served.\n\n<em>Ai Love Japan uses earthquake and tsunami survivor stor ies to increase public awareness about how people were affected and what t hey are doing to rebuild their lives. Its goal is to keep people aware of the ongoing situation in the disaster area in hopes of encouraging volunte ers to raise additional funds and go help people in the hardest-hit areas in the Fukushima\, Iwate\, and Miyagi Prefectures.</em>&nbsp\;\nAdditional information about Ai Love Japan can be found on its website:&nbsp\;<a hre f="" target="_blank"></a>&nbs p\;\n\nCost: Free.\nSeating is limited. Contact&nbsp\;<a href="mailto:Publ"></a>&nbsp\;or call (408) 294 -3138 to reserve your spot. DTSTAMP:20240601T061206Z SUMMARY:Ai Loves Japan: Tohoku updates 2014 URL:/en/events/2014/02/22/ai-loves-japan-tohoku-updates-2014/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR