BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120709T000000Z DTEND:20120713T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Japacamp 2012 (July &amp\; August)\n\n<p style="text-align: cen ter\;"><a title="japapcamp" href=" loads/2012/03/japapcamp.jpg" title="japapcamp"> </a>\n\n<p style="text-ali gn: center\;">Sign up your favourite 9- to 12-year-old for an amazing wee k of Japanese Canadian fun at the beautiful Nikkei Centre in Burnaby.&nbs p\; Every day will feature different Japanese cultural activities such as calligraphy\, karate and origami\, and campers will also explore aspects of Japanese Canadian history. The program will run in English. Programs are offered July 9-13 &amp\; August 13-17\, 2012.\n\n<p style="text-align: center\;"><a href=" JAPACAMP-info-20121.pdf">Click here for more information and how to regist er for JAPACAMP 2012</a>\n\n<p style="text-align: center\;">contact the Ed ucation Coordinator\, email <strong></strong> or p hone 604-777-7000 ext 110.\n\n<p style="text-align: center\;"><a title="cl ip_image002" href=" lip_image0022.jpg" title="clip_image002"> </a>\n\n DTSTAMP:20240605T223201Z SUMMARY:Japacamp 2012 URL:/en/events/2012/07/09/japacamp-2012/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR