BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120715T000000Z DTEND:20120715T000000Z DESCRIPTION:&nbsp\;Rakugo and Kamikiri\n\n<span style="border-collapse: sep arate\; color: #000000\; font-family: Times\; font-style: normal\; font-va riant: normal\; font-weight: normal\; letter-spacing: normal\; line-height : normal\; orphans: 2\; text-indent: 0px\; text-transform: none\; white-sp ace: normal\; widows: 2\; word-spacing: 0px\; font-size: medium\;">A Tradi tional Edo Experience&nbsp\; \nPerformers\n\n<span style="border-collapse: separate\; color: #000000\; font-family: Times\; font-style: normal\; fon t-variant: normal\; font-weight: normal\; letter-spacing: normal\; line-he ight: normal\; orphans: 2\; text-indent: 0px\; text-transform: none\; whit e-space: normal\; widows: 2\; word-spacing: 0px\; font-size: medium\;">Yan agiya Sankyo \n\n<span style="border-collapse: separate\; color: #000000\; font-family: Times\; font-style: normal\; font-variant: normal\; font-wei ght: normal\; letter-spacing: normal\; line-height: normal\; orphans: 2\; text-indent: 0px\; text-transform: none\; white-space: normal\; widows: 2\ ; word-spacing: 0px\; font-size: medium\;">Hayashiya Niraku \n\n<span styl e="border-collapse: separate\; color: #000000\; font-family: Times\; font- style: normal\; font-variant: normal\; font-weight: normal\; letter-spacin g: normal\; line-height: normal\; orphans: 2\; text-indent: 0px\; text-tra nsform: none\; white-space: normal\; widows: 2\; word-spacing: 0px\; font- size: medium\;">Ryutei Saryu \n\n<span style="border-collapse: separate\; color: #000000\; font-family: Times\; font-style: normal\; font-variant: n ormal\; font-weight: normal\; letter-spacing: normal\; line-height: normal \; orphans: 2\; text-indent: 0px\; text-transform: none\; white-space: nor mal\; widows: 2\; word-spacing: 0px\; font-size: medium\;">&nbsp\;Question s: 765 532 6358 Hatasa or 847 414 1102 Inoue \n\n<span style="border-colla pse: separate\; color: #000000\; font-family: Times\; font-style: normal\; font-variant: normal\; font-weight: normal\; letter-spacing: normal\; lin e-height: normal\; orphans: 2\; text-indent: 0px\; text-transform: none\; white-space: normal\; widows: 2\; word-spacing: 0px\; font-size: medium\;" >email: \n \n DTSTAMP:20240602T060717Z SUMMARY:Middlebury College Japanese School at Mills presents 落語と紙 切りの夕べ Evening of Rakugo and Kamikiri URL:/en/events/2012/07/15/middlebury-college-japanese-school-at-mills-prese n/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR