BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120121T000000Z DTEND:20120121T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Whether you were an NSU member in the 1980's\, or just graduat ed last year\, we want to get back in touch with you and give you a chanc e to share a space online with your fellow NSU alumni. From our roots in community activism\, to the vibrant cultural organization it is today\, N SU continues to hold a preeminent presence at UCLA and in the greater Jap anese American community thanks to the legacy that our members like you h ave left in our hearts.\n \n As we are fast approaching the milestone of the 30th Anniversary of the founding of NSU\, and we would like to reach as many UCLA NSU alumni as possible. Please feel free to invite more alum ni to this group to share in the memories and current events of your very own UCLA NSU.\n\nOur doors will open at 7PM for our Silent Auction and we will serve dinner at 8PM.&nbsp\; Banquet will be hosted at Ackerman Grand Ballroom on campus at UCLA. DTSTAMP:20240603T045818Z SUMMARY:NSU at UCLA's 30th Anniversary Banquet URL:/en/events/2012/01/21/nsu-at-uclas-30th-anniversary-banquet/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR