BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110612T000000Z DTEND:20110612T000000Z DESCRIPTION: n-jose-san-francisco/\n\nPublic Workshops\n\nYou&rsquo\;ve seen San Jose T aiko play &ndash\; now it&rsquo\;s your turn! Join fellow taiko enthusias ts in learning the basics of SJT&rsquo\;s style in a fun and engaging thr ee-hour workshop. A brief history of taiko is presented\, and participant s learn a song based on fundamental stance\, rhythms\, and technique. No taiko experience is necessary\, but <strong>participants must be at least 15 years old</strong> and capable of fairly rigorous physical activity.&nb sp\; For youth programs\, check out our <a title="JT" href="http://taiko.o rg/junior-taiko-culture-awareness-group-cooperation/" title="JT">Junior Ta iko</a> and <a title="STAS" href=" rd/" title="STAS">Summer Taiko at Stanford</a> pages.\n\n<ul><li>Saturday\ , May 7 -- 1-4PM\n</li><li>Sunday\, June 12 -- 1-4PM\n</li><li>Sunday\, Ju ne 26 -- 10AM-1PM\n</li><li>Saturday\, July 23 -- 10AM-1PM\n</li><li>Sunda y\, September 18 -- 10AM-1PM\n</li><li>Saturday\, October 15 -- 10AM-1PM\n </li><li>Sunday\, November 6 -- 2PM-5PM\n</li></ul>\n\nWorkshops are $50 p er participant.&nbsp\;\n\nEnrollment in each workshop is limited to 15 p articipants and will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis.&nbsp\; Preregistration is required.&nbsp\; Public workshops are a closed event - only paid participants will be allowed in the studio.\n\n<strong>**If y ou do not receive a confirmation email within one week\, please call (408) 293-9344 or send an email to</strong>\n<a href="https:/ /"> </a>\n\nJoin our <a href="">e-newsl etter list</a> to be among the first to find out wh en a workshop date is announced\n\nWhat people are saying about our workshops:\n \n <em>&quot\;San Jose Taiko's pu blic workshops are an incredible experience. They give yo u an invigorating workout for mind\, body and spirit... I 've attended two workshops and can't wait for my third. Through a relaxed and fun atmosphere\, the workshops introduce you to music -making\, mind-body connection\, and respect for the art. San Jose Taiko's instructors and performers are masters of the art\, patient and encouraging. It was so fun to he ar them play and to listen to their descriptions of the h istory and philosophy of taiko. When it came time for our turn\, the entire class was mesmerized by the feeling of playing the big drums. I couldn't believe we could make music together after only 3 hours!&quot\;</em> DTSTAMP:20240601T120053Z SUMMARY:San Jose Taiko Public Workshop URL:/en/events/2011/06/12/san-jose-taiko-public-workshop/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR