BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100807T000000Z DTEND:20100807T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In 1994\, the Japanese American National Museum staff and volun teers organized a project to travel to Heart Mountain\, Wyoming to take ap art and bring back to Los Angeles two fragments of original barracks build ings built by the U.S. government to house Japanese Americans unfairly imp risoned during World War II. The project was part of the National Museum&r squo\;s landmark exhibition\, <em>America&rsquo\;s Concentration Camps: Re membering the Japanese American Experience</em>\, and the display of the H eart Mountain barracks building became the symbol of the unconstitutional mass incarceration of over 120\,000 people of Japanese ancestry.\n\nThe pr oject\, organized by Museum staff member Nancy Araki and former Heart Moun tain inmate Bacon Sakatani\, included dozens of former inmates and interes ted parties who traveled over 1\,000 miles or more to take part in the dis mantling. To recall the historic events\, the program will include the scr eening of the award winning documentary\, &ldquo\;Legacy of the Barracks&r dquo\;\, produced by Mark Mohr for KABC-TV Channel 7 in 1994.\n\nAlso on h and will be other key participants\, including Ron Mukai\, whose father To mo lived in the barracks fragment still on display at the Museum\; Sakatan i\; Araki\; contractor David Honda\; author Sharon Yamato\, who\, along wi th her cousins\, took part in the dismantling\, and then wrote a book on h er experiences\, <em>Moving Walls: Preserving the Barracks of America&rsqu o\;s Concentration Camps</em>\; and\, preservation architect Jim McElwain\ , who oversaw the logistics of the dismantling and the reassembly in Los A ngeles.\n\nFollowing the program\, a reception will be held adjacent to th e Heart Mountain barracks in the National Museum&rsquo\;s Pavilion.\n\n[Pu rchase a copy of <em>Moving Walls: Preserving the Barracks of America's Co ncentration Camps</em>at the <a href="" ta rget="_blank">Museum Store Online</a>]\n\nIn conjunction with the exhibiti on <a href="" target="_blank">Co mmon Ground: The Heart of Community</a> DTSTAMP:20240601T063815Z SUMMARY:16 Years Later: The Heart Mountain Barracks URL:/en/events/2010/08/07/16-years-later-the-heart-mountain-barracks/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR