BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060415T000000Z DTEND:20060415T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Japanese American Service Committee\, in cooperation with the N orthwestern Memorial Physicians Group (NMPG)\, an affiliate of Northwester n Memorial Hospital\, will hold a Health Screening Day \n \nHEALTH SCREENI NG DAY\n \nBasic Screening:\n$55 JASC Members\n$110 Non-Members\n \nFOR ALL AGES 18 & OVER\n \nWhat is included in the (basic) screening: Blood c hemistry tests will screen for diabetes\; cholesterol\; liver function\; k idney function\; electrolytes\, including potassium and calcium\; iron\; a nd blood counts. In addition\, general health information will be availab le on cancer\, mammograms\, and cardiovascular conditions. These tests ty pically cost $100-$200 when performed in a doctor's office.\n \nHow do I m ake an appointment? Call the JASC at 773.275.0097 x 226 (Kay) or x 229 (S haron). If you are diabetic\, please let us know\, and we will try to giv e you the earliest possible appointment.\n \nCost:\nBasic Screening $5 5 JASC Members $110 Non-Members\nProstatic Specific Antigen (Pros tate Cancer) $25 JASC Members $50 Non-Members\nHeliocobactor Pylori-IgG (Stomach Bacteria) $35 JASC Members $60 Non-Membe rs\nGlycohemoglobin (Diabetes) $20 JASC Members $35 Non-Membe rs\nBone Density Scan $25 JASC Members $50 Non-Members\nCa 125 (Ovarian Cancer) $75 Members $125 Non-Members\n \nPrepara tion: It is requested that you fast for 12 hours\, i.e.\, eat dinner the previous evening and do not eat breakfast the morning of the blood tests. DO take your medications with water the morning of the test. Diabetics s hould take a half dose of their usual dosing of insulin (if on insulin sho ts) and eat immediately after having their blood drawn.\n \nResults: The results of the tests will be sent directly to you in approximately two wee ks.\n \nAfter calling to make your appointment\, please send your check (p ayable to JASC) prior to the day of the Health Screening. Be sure to stat e all the tests you want to have done. Thank you.\n \n\nJapanese American Service Committee\n4427 N. Clark Street\nChicago\, IL 60640\n773.275.721 2 - Social Services\n773.275.0097 - Cultural & Community Programs\n773.275 .0958 - Fax\n<a href=" "></ a> DTSTAMP:20240602T051253Z SUMMARY:JASC Health Screening URL:/en/events/2006/04/15/jasc-health-screening/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR