BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080504T000000Z DTEND:20080504T000000Z DESCRIPTION:I am thrilled to announce the premiere of my film\, AGAINST THE GRAIN: An Artist's Survival Guide to Perú\, at the Los Angeles Asian Pa cific Film Festival. This film chronicles the lives of four Peruvian artis ts\, struggling to maintain an independent voice during repressive times\, especially under the government of Alberto Fujimori. It appeals to those interested in Latin America\, social justice and art. Eduardo Tokeshi\, a Japanese Peruvian artist\, is profiled. \n\nThis screening is the culmin ation of several years of work so I hope you'll come out and support the f ilm at this festive moment. You can buy tickets on-line or at the theater. \n\n LA Asian Pacific Film Festival\n 4:30 pm\, Sunday\, May 4\, 2008\n Laemmle’s Sunset 5 Theaters\n 8000 Sunset Blvd.\n West Hollywood\, 9 0046\n\n\nI am also trying to arrange f or SOME OF THE ARTWORK to be on display at the theater as well. It will be available for sale and proceeds will help to defray costs of the film.\n\ nSorry about duplicates....\n\nCheck out a trailer at\n\ /againstthegrain\n\nAGAINST THE GRAIN: AN ARTIST'S SURVIVAL GUIDE TO PERU \n\nA film by Ann Kaneko\n\n(2008) color\, 64:23 mins.\, documentary\n\nU. S.\, Peru\, Japan\n\n in Spanish\, English\, Japanese and Quech ua\n\n\n \nSYNOPSIS\n\nIn 198 9\, Alfredo Márquez used an image of Mao in an artwork. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison. For every artist\, the need to create and be heard is as basic as food and shelter. But what happens when you live in a count ry where the state clamps down on free thinkers\, forcing artists to censu re themselves? Four Peruvian visual artists\, including Márquez\, defy th is tyranny through their work and ignite change\, challenging ordinary peo ple to speak out. These struggles and commitments raise the question: Is f reedom of expression a right or a privilege?\n\nSpanning two decades of co rrupt governments and inept leaders\, this film tells the story of four in spiring artists: Claudio Jiménez Quispe flees his home in Ayacucho becaus e of insurgency with the Shining Path\, a Maoist rebel group. He chronicle s this violence in his retablos\, traditional wooden display boxes. Alfred o Márquez\, active in the 1980s underground punk scene\, produces bold\, political images despite four years of unjust imprisonment. With the downf all of former president Alberto Fujimori\, critics targeted Japanese Peruv ians like Eduardo Tokeshi\, yet he reaffirms his identity through a series of red and white Peruvian flags. Natalia Iguíñiz provokes the Catholic Church and the socially conservative middle class with controversial image s that challenge gender and class. Each artist teaches us what it means to persevere and make art in a country like Perú. \n\nHighlighting amazing contemporary Peruvian artwork\, this film combines gritty Super 8 with raw verité footage. It also features music by iconic Peruvian bands\, Leusem ia and Uchpa\, and Los Angeles indie rockers\, Pilar Díaz and David Green \, of los abandoned.\n DTSTAMP:20240601T202355Z SUMMARY:Premiere of "Against the Grain: An Artist's Survival Guide to Per ú" Sunday\, 5/4 URL:/en/events/2008/05/04/premiere-of-against-the-grain--an-artists-surviva l/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR