BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20061102T000000Z DTEND:20061119T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Surfing DNA</strong>\nWritten and Performed by Jodi Lon g\nDirected by Lisa Peterson\n\nBorn in a trunk to vaudevillian parents on the Chop Suey circuit\, Jodi Long - winner of L.A.'s Ovation award for he r role in Flower Drum Song - surfs a hilarious and poignant voyage from th e Ed Sullivan Show to medieval Japan to the Scottish Highlands\, inescapab ly steered by the forces embedded in her DNA.\n\nNovember 2 - November 19\ , 2006\nWednesday - Saturday @ 8 pm\, Sunday @ 2 pm\n$35 Orchestra\n$30 Ba lcony\n\nFor ASL-interpreted performance and Actors' Union Discount perfor mances\, see the website:\n\n<a href=" ngdna.htm"></a> DTSTAMP:20240603T045809Z SUMMARY:Surfing DNA by Jodi Long at East West Players URL:/en/events/2006/11/02/surfing-dna-by-jodi-long/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR