BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230611T000000Z DTEND:20230611T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em><strong>Available tickets are sold out. Please click the fo llowing link to sign up for the waitlist and we will notify you if space b ecomes available. </strong></em>\n<a href=" d/e/1FAIpQLSemSE7mNOKYcRv25MRi_mcRstYIX2GMbu4ZAVIA0c0HV3O0Og/viewform">WAI TLIST</a>\n\nTravel back in time to the Sansei Dance Party Era in Los Ange les during the ’60s and ’70s through live music and storytelling! Writ ten and produced by <strong>Harry Manaka</strong>\, author of <em>Chroni cles of a Sansei Rocker</em>\, former owner of the Baby Lion Supper Club\, and leader of Somethin’ Else\, this immersive performance combines the classic tunes of the Sansei Dance Party Era with illuminating stories of t he times. A love letter to the era and to all those involved—from the ba nds to the muscle cars to the hairspray—this premiere event should not b e missed!\n\nThis show features <strong>John DePatie</strong>\, <strong> Bobby Flores</strong>\, <strong>Richie Gajate Garcia</strong>\, <strong> Gerald Ishibashi</strong>\, <strong>Royce Jones</strong>\, <strong>Harry Manaka</strong>\, <strong>Harold Payne</strong>\, <strong>Charles Ruggi ero</strong>\, and <strong>Wayne Wakai</strong> playing hits from the da nce floor and sharing stories of the bands\, events\, and music that shape d this unique moment.\n\nPurchase<em> Chronicles of a Sansei Rocker</em>  from the JANM Store. <a href=" -of-a-sansei-rocker">BUY NOW</a>\nWatch the <em>Sansei Rocker Symposium</ em> hosted at JANM on July 30\, 2022. <a href=" c_8">WATCH NOW</a>\n<em></em>\n<em>If you have questions about ticketing\, please contact or call 213-625-0414.</em> DTSTAMP:20240602T051334Z SUMMARY:Sansei Rocker: Behind the Curtain—June 11 URL:/en/events/2023/06/11/sansei-rocker-behind-the-curtainjune-11/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR