BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200718T000000Z DTEND:20200718T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Learn how to cook a basic Japanese menu! In this virtual worksh op\, cookbook author\, food blogger\, and designer&nbsp\;<strong>Azusa Oda </strong>&nbsp\;will teach you how to cut down food waste and make full us e of all the ingredients to make a basic\, healthy\, and delicious meal.&n bsp\;\n\nParticipants will start with making&nbsp\;<em>dashi</em>&nbsp\;(s oup stock) then use the leftovers to make&nbsp\;<em>katsuo denbu</em>&nbsp \;(bonito rice topping). They will then make&nbsp\;<em>satsumaimo misoshir u</em>&nbsp\;(sweet potato miso soup) using the&nbsp\;<em>dashi</em>&nbsp\ ;and\, finally\,&nbsp\;<em>onigiri</em>&nbsp\;(rice balls) with the&nbsp\; <em>katsuo denbu</em>&nbsp\;mixed in.\n\n<strong>Please note:</strong>&nbs p\;the&nbsp\;<em>dashi</em>&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;<em>katsuo denbu</em>&nbsp\;ar e made with bonito flakes (<em>katsuobushi</em>&mdash\;thinly shaved dried fish).\n\n$20 members\, $25 non-members. Limited space available. Worksho p will be held via Zoom on Saturday\, July&nbsp\;18 at 11:30&nbsp\;a.m.&nb sp\;(PDT). You will be emailed links and instructions to join our workshop as well as a list of ingredients if you&rsquo\;d like to follow along wit h the recipes during the program.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong><a href="https://9644p\;txobjid=a5fb89e0-112e-4836- bd44-f667a75e8a7e" target="_blank">SIGN UP HERE</a></strong>\n<strong></st rong>\n<strong>Azusa Oda</strong>&nbsp\;comes from a long line of professi onal and home cooks\, and her abilities in the kitchen have been heavily i nfluenced by growing up as her mother&rsquo\;s unofficial sous chef. Raise d in both Tokyo and the Bay Area of California\, she had a bicultural upbr inging that shaped the way she views Japanese culinary traditions and tech niques. She created her blog\, <a href="" ta rget="_blank"></a>\, in 2008 to share her contemporary v ariations on simple and delicious Japanese recipes. While cooking is one o f her passions\, she nurtures an equal interest in design and has an MFA f rom California College of the Arts. She lives in Los Angeles with her husb and and daughter.\n\nPurchase her book\,&nbsp\;<a href="https://janmstore. com/products/japanese-cookbook-for-beginners" target="_blank"><strong><em> Japanese Cookbook for Beginners: Classic and Modern Recipes Made Easy</em> </strong></a>\, at the JANM Store.\n\n<em>This program is part of Go Littl e Tokyo&rsquo\;s&nbsp\;<a href="" t arget="_blank">Delicious Little Tokyo</a>&nbsp\;virtual festival that runs from June 26 to July 26.</em>\n<em>\n</em> DTSTAMP:20240606T003403Z SUMMARY:Healthy Japanese Home Cooking Workshop with Azusa Oda URL:/en/events/2020/07/18/healthy-japanese-home-cooking-workshop-with-azusa / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR