BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200229T000000Z DTEND:20200229T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In celebration of&nbsp\;<em>Hinamatsuri</em>&nbsp\;(Girls&rsquo \; Day)\, paint your own prince and princess&nbsp\;<em>kokeshi</em>&nbsp\; doll set with artist Mari Inukai. Bring pictures of your favorite flowers and textile samples as reference material to paint your doll&rsquo\;s kimo no. All generations welcome!\n\nLimited to 10 participants\, however\, to encourage collaboration\, guests who wish to work together may sign up as a single participant\; each participant group/team will then receive one s et of dolls to work on\, and pay a single participant fee.\n\n$20 members\ , $25 non-members.&nbsp\;<a href="" ta rget="_blank">Museum admission</a>&nbsp\;included. Limited to 10 participa nts. If you have questions\, please contact&nbsp\;<a>visitorservices@janm. org</a>.\n\nTICKETS AVAILABLE NOW &gt\;&gt\;\n\n<em>In the Koichi &amp\; T oyo Nerio Education Center</em>\n\nCheck <a href=" ts/2020/02/#29" target="_blank"></a> for updates.\n\n<strong></str ong><em></em><strong></strong><em></em><em></em> DTSTAMP:20240602T170946Z SUMMARY:Hinamatsuri Workshop: Kokeshi Doll Art with Mari Inukai URL:/en/events/2020/02/29/hinamatsuri-workshop-kokeshi-doll-art-with-mari-i / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR