BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190627T000000Z DTEND:20190627T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join representatives of several community organizations located in or aligned with Little Tokyo on the JANM Plaza to protest the White Ho use&rsquo\;s plans to use Fort Sill in Oklahoma as a detention center for immigrant children and Immigration and Customs Enforcement&rsquo\;s detent ion practices in general.\n\nWe are demanding an end to the inhumane condi tions at ICE facilities\, an end to family separation policies\, and for c ompassion and humanitarianism toward all people. All who share concern abo ut these issues are invited to participate.\n\nDuring World War&nbsp\;II\, more than 700 people of Japanese ancestry were unjustly incarcerated at F ort Sill. Earlier\, members of the Apache tribe who had been forcibly remo ved from their ancestral lands were incarcerated there. Further\, Fort Sil l was a site where Native American children taken from their families were placed in boarding school&mdash\;a government attempt to destroy their id entity and culture.\n\nThe protest is organized by East West Players\, Jap anese American Cultural and Community Center\, Japanese American National Museum\, Kizuna\, Little Tokyo Service Center\, Manzanar Committee\, Nikke i for Civil Rights &amp\; Redress\, Nikkei Progressives\, Tuesday Night Pr oject\, Tuna Canyon Detention Station Coalition\, Vigilant Love\, and Visu al Communications. DTSTAMP:20240603T202216Z SUMMARY:Little Tokyo Community Fort Sill Protest URL:/en/events/2019/06/27/little-tokyo-community-fort-sill-protest/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR