BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170427T000000Z DTEND:20170430T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<p style="color: black\; font-weight: normal\; font-size: 12.0p t\; font-family: Times-New-Roman\; margin-top: 0.0px\; font-style: normal\ ; margin-bottom: 0.0px\; text-align: left\;"><span style="font-family: Ari al \, sans-serif\;">For the third year\, the Silicon Valley Asian Pacific Film Fest\, formerly the San Jose J-Town Film Fest\, presents a varied l ineup of independent films about the experiences of Asian Americans and P acific Islanders. \n\n<p style="color: black\; font-weight: normal\; font- size: 12.0pt\; font-family: Times-New-Roman\; margin-top: 0.0px\; font-sty le: normal\; margin-bottom: 0.0px\; text-align: left\;"><span style="font- family: Arial \, sans-serif\;">Nine film events - including five document aries\, three narrative features\, and a special presentation by performa nce artist Tina Takemoto - will take place from Thursday to Sunday\, Apri l 27 to 30. Works include the following: <em>Persona Non Grata\, </em> a box-office hit in Japan is based on the true story of Chiune Sugihara\, kn own as the Schindler of Japan. The documentary <em>Mele Murals</em> follow s two graffiti artists as they teach art to skeptical youth in a rural Haw aiian town. <em>Mifune: The Last Samurai </em> is a documentary about leg endary Japanese actor Toshiro Mifune by Academy Award-winning director St even Okazaki. Eleven filmmakers and actors will be in attendance at the f estival.\n\n<p style="color: black\; font-weight: normal\; font-size: 12.0 pt\; font-family: Times-New-Roman\; margin-top: 0.0px\; font-style: normal \; margin-bottom: 0.0px\; text-align: left\;"><span style="font-family: Ar ial \, sans-serif\;"><strong>WHEN\, WHERE\, &amp\; TICKET INFORMATION</str ong> \n\n<p style="color: black\; font-weight: normal\; font-size: 12.0pt\ ; font-family: Times-New-Roman\; margin-top: 0.0px\; font-style: normal\; margin-bottom: 0.0px\; text-align: left\;"><span style="font-family: Arial \, sans-serif\;">April 27 to 30. Tickets are $5 to $12. Locations for sc reenings and events are Camera 3 Cinema and the San Jose Museum of Art. F or the full schedule and to buy tickets\, visit <a href="https://deref-m Ws-HC5Z6J5NnuO6qbmOS6ycGhGcdG49n-_uBlR5091BWyLJG-Ky4a-8QlLMBzmOymBGOIsrfKL HVqLL2aG_CvXDh7nE1TRnVIvInk3QXxt2gxdCiMoFkmOxiwQ%3D%26c%3D5CHOfF_xLtArvWvz 1UnXuR0_lF5k2gqkOj_y8j_IcdgugPWS7knC5g%3D%3D%26ch%3DIABu4zxP-HF_rwHSzUBz92 Rk9WQtqUj9PSddZ6HDznwWq8aDOCA8OA%3D%3D" target="_blank"><span style="color : #1155cc\; font-family: Arial \, sans-serif\;"> </a> <span style="font-family: Arial \, sans-serif\;">. \n\n<p style="color: b lack\; font-weight: normal\; font-size: 12.0pt\; font-family: Times-New-Ro man\; margin-top: 0.0px\; font-style: normal\; margin-bottom: 0.0px\; text -align: left\;"><span style="font-family: Arial \, sans-serif\;"><strong>A BOUT</strong> \n\n<p style="color: black\; font-weight: normal\; font-size : 12.0pt\; font-family: Times-New-Roman\; margin-top: 0.0px\; font-style: normal\; margin-bottom: 0.0px\; text-align: left\;"><span style="font-fami ly: Arial \, sans-serif\;">The Silicon Valley Asian Pacific Film Fest is a celebration of the multi-ethnic community and rich history of Silicon V alley. An all volunteer-run effort by a diverse team of community members \, the film festival showcases independent films primarily by Asian Ameri can Pacific Islander (AAPI) filmm <span style="font-family: Arial \, sans -serif\;">akers and offers quality programming\, giving the community a ch ance to interact with the creative talents behind these films.\n \n DTSTAMP:20240601T050058Z SUMMARY:Showcasing Asian American and Pacific Islander Films URL:/en/events/2017/04/27/showcasing-asian-american-and-pacific-islander-fi l/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR