BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130919T000000Z DTEND:20130919T000000Z DESCRIPTION:SAVE the DATE!\n\nJoin Community Works NYC and The Interchurch Center at our special reception for the New York premieres of the Japanese American Internment Project:<em><strong> If they came for me today&hellip \;East Coast Stories\n and Spirit of Community: Japanese American Artists exhibitions</strong> </em>\n\nThursday\, September 19\, 2013\, 5:30pm‐7: 30pm\n The Interchurch Center\n 475 Riverside Drive (between 119th Street and 120th Street)\n\nRSVP to 212‐459‐1854 or email performances@commun\n It was one of the most shameful episodes in American his tory: the incarceration of 120\,000 Japanese Americans and Japanese nation als in concentration camps in the western United States during World War I I. To honor the 25th anniversary of the federal legislation atoning for th at great wrong\, the Civil Liberties Act of 1988\, Community Works NYC is presenting two exhibitions that explore the impact of civil injustice and its continuing resonance over generations.\n\nThrough photographic portrai ts and reminiscences\, the <em><strong>Japanese American Internment Projec t: If they came for me today&hellip\;East Coast Stories</strong> </em> exp lores the lives of seven men and women from New York who were interned or impacted by the incarceration of Japanese American citizens during World W ar II. This living history exhibit was developed with NYC students who con ducted the interviews.\n\nA companion exhibit\, <em><strong>Spirit of Comm unity: Japanese American Artists</strong> </em> \, features the work of tw o of the honorees\,<strong> Tomie Arai</strong> and<strong> Koho Yamamoto< /strong> \, and of <strong>Dorothy Imagire</strong> \, all of whom illustr ate the timeless\n role the arts play in shaping\, informing and documenti ng culture.\n The reception on September 19th will include remarks by note d Columbia University historian Gary Okihiro and participating students\, introductions to the honorees\, and performances by Soh Daiko and Harlem&r squo\;s youth ensemble Impact Repertory Theatre.\n\nThis is a public art a nd exhibition program of Community Works NYC as part of its Community Matt ers NYC initiative.\n &bull\;Exhibition is open to the public: September 9 ‐October 11\, 2013&bull\; Monday‐Friday 9am‐5pm&bull\; DTSTAMP:20240602T095319Z SUMMARY:Japanese American Internment Project: If they came for me today…E ast Coast Stories and Spirit of Community: Japanese American Artists URL:/en/events/2013/09/19/japanese-american-internment-project-if-they-came / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR