BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130711T000000Z DTEND:20130721T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the <a href=""> Japan Society website</a> :\n\nJAPAN CUTS\n The New York Festival of Conte mporary Japanese Cinema\nJuly 11-21\, 2013\n\n &quot\;North America's prem iere showcase for Japanese film&quot\; (<em>Firefox News</em> )\, <strong> JAPAN CUTS: The New York Festival</strong> <strong> of Contemporary Japane se Cinema</strong> is back! In its seventh season\, with 10 days of screen ings and over 20 titles\, <strong>JAPAN CUTS 2013</strong> presents the ro ughest\, sharpest\, and smoothest of today&rsquo\;s cutting-edge Japanese film scene\, encompassing bigger-than-life blockbusters\, high-concept a rt house titles\, moving and provoking documentaries\, delirious rom-coms \, refined melodramas and a handful of UFOs&mdash\;unidentified film obje cts. Taking place from July 11 to 21\, <strong>JAPAN CUTS 2013 </strong> a gain dovetails with the New York Asian Film Festival (in its 12th edition \, June 28-July 15)\, which co-presents 12 films from July 11-14.\n &nbsp \;\n From the deep to the deeply depraved\, the fantastic to the fetishist ic\, the outstanding to the outrageous\, <strong>JAPAN CUTS 2013</strong> selections have the typical blend of unbending artistry and rebellious ec centricity\, that has made the brand of the festival. Hard\, rough\, shar p\, smooth and soft-edged: such is&nbsp\; today's film scene from Japan. Highlights include the smash-hit samurai blockbuster <strong><em>Rurouni K enshin</em> </strong> \; Toshiaki Toyoda&rsquo\;s bloody\, trippy\, return -to-roots gangster thriller <strong><em>I&rsquo\;M FLASH!</em> </strong> \ ; the star-studded road drama <strong><em>Dearest</em> </strong> \, a form idable shrine to film legend Ken Takakura\; Yuichi Fukuda&rsquo\;s off-the -wall pervy twist to the superhero genre\, <strong><em>Hentai Kamen: The F orbidden Superhero</em> </strong> \; the dark\, controversial sex-thriller <strong> <em>A Woman and War</em> </strong> <em> </em> in the vein of the late Koji Wakamatsu&rsquo\;s best films\; Satoshi Miki&rsquo\;s mind-warpi ng\, bizarre\, Spike Jonze-esque<strong><em> It&rsquo\;s Me It&rsquo\;s Me </em> </strong> (featuring popstar Kazuya Kamenashi of <em>KAT-TUN</em> )\ ;&nbsp\; Eiki Takahashi&rsquo\;s absorbing glimpse into the glitzy world o f Japanese pop music\,<em>&nbsp\; </em> <strong><em>DOCUMENTARY OF AKB48: Show must go on</em> </strong> \; the North American premiere of Sion Sono &rsquo\;s 20-years-in-the-making underground science-fiction/gangster film <strong><em>Bad Film</em> </strong> \; the winner of the 36th Japan Acade my Prize for Best Picture and Best Director\, <strong><em>The Kirishima Th ing</em> </strong> \; plus the new film from the wildly prolific auteur Ta kashi Miike\, the psycho killer-teacher horror film <strong><em>Lesson of the Evil</em> </strong> \, a return to the director&rsquo\;s signature gon zo schlockmeister approach.\n \n <em>*Due to unforeseen circumstances\, we will not be screening </em> <strong>DOCUMENTARY OF AKB48: No flower witho ut rain</strong> <em>\, but instead we will screen </em> <strong>DOCUMENTA RY OF AKB48: Show must go on</strong> <em>. Apologies about any inconvenie nce caused. Thank you for understanding.</em>\nTICKETS\n<strong>Tickets: < /strong> $12/$9 Japan Society members\, seniors &amp\; students\n\n<strong >Special Ticket Prices:</strong> \n Thursday\, July 11: <em>I'M FLASH!</em > $15/$12 Japan Society members&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Special Offer:</strong> \n Purchase more than 5 tickets for at least 5 different films and receive $2 off of each ticket!\n\nSpecial offer available only at Japan Society B ox Office or by telephone at (212) 715-1258. Offer not available online. Offer is not valid for the July 11 screening of <em>I'M FLASH</em> !\n\nF ilms screened between July11&ndash\;July 14 are co-presented with the New York Asian Film Festival\, America's leading festival of popular Asian c inema.&nbsp\;\n \n \n\nAll films are in Japanese with English subtitles un less otherwise noted.\n\n<strong>Box Office:</strong> \n Monday-Friday\, 1 1 am-6 pm\, 333 East 47th Street between 1st and 2nd Ave.\, (212) 715-1258 DTSTAMP:20240604T124728Z SUMMARY:Japan Cuts 2013 URL:/en/events/2013/07/11/japan-cuts-2013/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR