BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130330T000000Z DTEND:20130330T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Mas Arai is a taciturn\, sometimes even curmudgeonly retired ga rdener with a past. Born in Watsonville in California&rsquo\;s strawberry country\, he was raised in Hiroshima\, Japan\, and as a teenager survived the 1945 A-bomb. After the war\, he returned to Watsonville to start over\ , finding shelter with cousins and work in the strawberry fields.\n\nNow\, after moving to Altadena and spending a lifetime as a gardener\, Mas retu rns to Watsonville for the funeral of his second cousin Shug Arai\, who&rs quo\;d become a leader in the strawberry-growing world. In no time at all\ , Mas finds himself at the scene of a murder\, and there are Arais involve d every which way. Plus he has suspicions that there might have been more behind Shug&rsquo\;s death than a simple heart attack. And is the terrible blight called Strawberry Yellow that&rsquo\;s threatening the crops someh ow involved?\n\nIn the fifth and most compelling of the Edgar-winning Mas Arai mysteries\, it&rsquo\;s up to this quiet\, uneducated old man&mdash\; who considers himself unworthy and finds most other human beings to be exh austing&mdash\;to unravel the layers of mysteries. He negotiates a complic ated web of Arai cousins\, deals with decades-old family rivalries\, faces a terrifying attempt on his life\, and ultimately discovers not just what was behind the two deaths\, but why a top-secret new strawberry varietal is named for him&mdash\;and why it may have inspired murder.\n\nFree with Museum admission.&nbsp\;Reservations recommended to or213.62 5.0414 at least 48 hours prior.&nbsp\;<a href="" targe t="_blank"></a>\n<a href="" target="_blank "></a><a href="" target="_blank"></a>\n<a href="" target="_blank">Available for sale at the Museum Store &gt\;&gt\;</a>\n<a href="/en/journal/2013/3/8/strawbe rry-yellow/" target="_blank"></a>\n<a href="/journal/2013/3/8/strawberry-y ellow/" target="_blank">Read our interview with Naomi Hirahara on Discover Nikkei &gt\;&gt\;</a> DTSTAMP:20240603T045750Z SUMMARY:BOOKS &amp\; CONVERSATIONS: "Strawberry Yellow" by Naomi Hirahara URL:/en/events/2013/03/30/books-amp-conversations-strawberry-yellow-by/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR