BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120714T000000Z DTEND:20120714T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for the second Annual Japantown Jazz Festival\, a celeb ration of jazz in San Francisco's Japantown featuring the Asian American J azz Orchestra\, Michael Sasaki and the Bluesetta Band and the Bob Kenmotsu Quartet.\n\nJapantown's location next to the "Harlem of the West"\, the F illmore has led to it becoming a hotbed for cutting edge jazz throughout t he years. There are many vibrant musicians and groups that have grownup on the music and now push it forward by incorporating Japanese sensibilities into their sound.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>This free event is sponsored by the M erchants of the Japan Center Malls.</strong>\n<strong>&nbsp\;</strong>\n<s trong><span style="text-decoration: underline\;">Performers:</strong>\n<st rong></strong>\n<strong>Asian American Jazz Orchestra&nbsp\;</strong>\nLed by critically acclaimed musicians Anthony Brown\, Mark Izu and Masura Kog a\, they blends the sonorities and improvisational approaches of the jazz tradition with Asian musical instruments and sensibilities. Since 1997\, t he orchstra are leaders in San Francisco's Asian American creative music m ovement and founded the Asian American Jazz Orchestra (AAJO).&nbsp\;\n\n<s trong>Michael Sasaki and the Bluesetta Band</strong>\nMichael Sasaki is a gifted guitarist and composer. He emerged on to the music scene in 1971 as the guitarist for the San Francisco-based band\, Cold Blood. A solid memb er of the vibrant San Francisco music scene of the 70's\, Cold Blood's sig nature sound featured the powerful lead vocals of Lydia Pense backed by a tight group of musicians blending jazz\, rhythm and blues\, and rock and r oll. Michael's tasty guitar work can be heard on Hiroshima CD's as well as on Cold Blood classics.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Bob Kenmotsu Quartet&nbsp\;\n</ strong>Bob was a member of the Jack McDuff organ combo\, and the Ruth Brow n Band. He recorded 'The Spark'\, with Billy Hart and Ira Coleman\, and 'B ronx Tale'\, with Pat Martino and Jack McDuff. In 1994\, Bob went to Japan on a Japan/US Fellowship cultural exchange grant\, and lived there until 1997. While there\, he played many clubs\, concerts\, festivals\, and tour ed the country several times!\n\nFor more information\, please visit the F acebook event page at&nbsp\;<a href=" 1834446895/"></a>.\n\n<a h ref=""></a> DTSTAMP:20240605T030306Z SUMMARY:Japantown Jazz Festival: A Celebration of Asian American Jazz URL:/en/events/2012/07/14/japantown-jazz-festival-a-celebration-of-asian-am / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR