BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120713T000000Z DTEND:20120713T000000Z DESCRIPTION:A joint collaboration between the Boyle Heights Historical Soci ety and Little Tokyo Historical Society\, both non-profit community organi zations\, will invite residents of both neighborhoods to cross the First S treet Bridge and visit each other&rsquo\;s historic and vibrant communitie s\, explore the cultures\, and form new friendships.&nbsp\; Only a bridge away by Metro Gold Line\, foot\, bicycle\, and car.&nbsp\; Friday\, July 1 3\, 2012\, 3:00 &ndash\; 8:00 pm at the Boyle Heights Farmers&rsquo\; Mark et\, 1<sup>st</sup> Street and Boyle Avenue\, in Mariachi Plaza. &nbsp\;\n \nThe purpose of the Tanabata event is to introduce and educate the farmer s&rsquo\; market visitors of the significant Japanese American residential \, business\, and religious historical presence in Boyle Heights many year s ago.&nbsp\; A few of these long-time Japanese Americans still remain\, i ncluding Keiro Retirement Home on Boyle Avenue.&nbsp\; Neighborhood reside nts may be aware of the physical presence of these establishments\, but do not know the history.&nbsp\;\n\nThe Japanese &ldquo\;star festival&rdquo\ ;\, Tanabata\, celebrates the meeting of Orihime (the weaving princess) an d Hikoboshi (cow herder star).&nbsp\; According to legend\, the Milky Way separates the two and they are allowed to meet only once a year\, on the 7 th day of the 7th month.&nbsp\; This beautiful story is exemplified with f estivals observed throughout Japan in July and in Little Tokyo in mid-Augu st.\n\nThe event will include fun activities such as Japanese origami pape r folding\, historical photos exhibits\, haiku poetry writing\, Tanabata K azari decoration making\, and Tanabata wishes tanzaku notes.&nbsp\; Lively entertainment will include children&rsquo\;s storytelling of the Tanabata star festival\, DJ music\, spirited Japanese <em>ondo</em> folk dancing\, a Japanese Mariachi\, and thunderous taiko drumming.\n\nCONTACTS:\n\nBoyl e Heights Historical Society\n\nMalissa Strong\, Immediate Past-President\ n\n<a href="">www.boyleheight</a>\n<a href="">malis</a>\n\n323-240-1888\n\nLittle Tokyo Historical Society\ n\nMichael Okamura\, President\n\n<a href=""></a>\n<a href=""></a> DTSTAMP:20240605T215020Z SUMMARY:Tanabata in Boyle Heights URL:/en/events/2012/07/13/tanabata-in-boyle-heights/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR