BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120520T000000Z DTEND:20120520T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Japanese American Museum of San Jose (JAMsj) and Contempora ry Asian Theater Scene (CATS) proudly present a free screening of &ldquo\; Gila River and Mama: The Ruth Mix Story\,&rdquo\; Sunday\, May 20\, 1:00 p m at JAMsj.\n\nIn 1942\, 15-year-old Ruth Mix volunteered at the Gila Rive r War Relocation Authority camp and was the only Caucasian nurse&rsquo\;s aid in the camp hospital. Her mother\, Frida Mix\, worked as an elementary school teacher at the same camp. Both lived on the site in a barrack.\n\n Claire Mix\, Ruth's daughter\, produced a documentary about her mother's e xperience\, "Gila River and Mama: The Ruth Mix Story." This documentary te lls a unique story of life in an internment camp\, for it comes from the p erspective of a Caucasian volunteer who witnessed the deplorable living co nditions and brutal mentality of a nation.\n\nFunding for &ldquo\;Gila Riv er And Mama: The Ruth Mix Story\,&rdquo\; was provided by a grant from the California State Library through the California Civil Liberties Public Ed ucation Program.\n\nDue to limited seating\, pre-registration is required. To register\, call JAMsj (408.294-3138) or email Aggie Idemoto (<a href=""></a>) by May 13. DTSTAMP:20240601T050330Z SUMMARY:Caucasian View of Camp\, “Ruth Mix Story\,” URL:/en/events/2012/05/20/caucasian-view-of-camp-ruth-mix-story/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR