BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120108T000000Z DTEND:20120108T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>FREE ADMISSION ALL DAY!</strong>\n\nRing in the New Yea r and the Year of the Dragon with fun arts &lsquo\;n crafts\, food\, and e xciting cultural activities and performances.\n\n<strong>SCHEDULE:</strong >\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>11:00 AM &ndash\; 5:00 PM:</strong> Craft an d other fun activities for the entire family:\n\n<ul><li>It&rsquo\;s the Y ear of the Dragon! Celebrate 2012 in style by constructing a dragon hat to wear.</li><li>Color and decorate a festive dragon streamer to wave in the New Year.</li><li>We need a hand! Help us build a dragon by adding a cuto ut of your hand to our wall. Throughout the day our dragon will grow and b y the end we&rsquo\;ll have a fun and colorful creature made by all our JA NM friends who came to help us celebrate Oshogatsu!</li><li>Toddler Room</ li><li>Ruthie&rsquo\;s Origami Corner: Learn how to fold an origami dragon .</li></ul>\n\n<strong>11 AM - 3 PM:</strong>&nbsp\;Learn how to make onig iri rice balls and enter the Onigiri contest. Sponsored by Common Grains&n bsp\;\n\n<strong>11 AM &ndash\; 5 PM:&nbsp\;</strong>Special&nbsp\;<em>fuk ubukuro&nbsp\;</em>(lucky bag) store sale\n\n<strong>11 &ndash\; 5 PM:</st rong>&nbsp\;Calling all kids\, slay the dragon and jump in our dragon jump er!\n\n<strong>12 &ndash\; 5 PM:</strong>&nbsp\;Watch world-renowned candy artist Shaun Ichiyanagi make a dragon sculpture candy!&nbsp\;<em>(For chi ldren only. Candy Dragons will be raffled off at 4 PM)</em>\n<strong></str ong>\n<strong>1 &ndash\; 2 PM:</strong>&nbsp\;Try&nbsp\;<em>osechi-ryori&n bsp\;</em>(Traditional Japanese New Year foods)&nbsp\;<em>(While supplies last. 1st come\, 1st serve)</em>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>1 &ndash\; 4 PM:</strong>&nbsp\;Have a balloon artist make a special pet dragon or drag on hat for you!\n\n<strong>1 &ndash\; 5 PM:</strong>&nbsp\;<em>Zaru soba</ em>&nbsp\;(buckwheat noodles) with Kidding Around the Kitchen.\n\n<strong> 2 - 4 PM:</strong>&nbsp\;Bring your camera and meet a real (costumed) drag on!&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>4 PM:</strong>&nbsp\;Three onigiri design winners wi ll be announced. 100 of the top best entries will be on display after the selection is made.\n\n<strong>2:30 &amp\; 4 PM:</strong>&nbsp\;<em>Mochits uki</em>&nbsp\;(traditional rice cake pounding ceremony) demonstration and performance by Kodama Taiko\n\n<strong>4:30 PM:</strong>&nbsp\;<em>Shi sh i mai</em>&nbsp\;(traditional lion dance) and taiko performance by Kinnara Taiko\n\n<a href="" target="_blank" >For more details about the onigiri contest &gt\;&gt\;</a>\n<em></em>\n<em >This program is generously sponsored by Mitsubishi International Corporat ion\, City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs\, LA Country Arts Commission.</ em> DTSTAMP:20240602T135439Z SUMMARY:Oshogatsu Family Festival URL:/en/events/2012/01/08/oshogatsu-family-festival/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR