BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110815T000000Z DTEND:20110815T000000Z DESCRIPTION:TALKING TAIKO: A&nbsp\;celebration of&nbsp\;Yuri Kageyama's "Th e New and Selected Yuri: Writing From Peeling Till Now" (Ishmael Reed Publ ishing Co.\, 2011)Poetry&nbsp\;with Music by Eric Kamau Gravatt (jazz drum mer for McCoy Tyner\, Weather Report\, Wayne Shorter)\, Isaku Kageyama (ta iko drummer for Amanojaku\, Hybrid Soul\, Toshinori Kondo)\, Makoto Horiuc hi (musical director\, guitar)\,&nbsp\;Hiroyuki Shido (bass) and Greg Pear son (keyboards).&nbsp\;Special guests Ishmael Reed\, Tennessee Reed and Ca rla Blank. &ldquo\;They&rsquo\;ve called Yuri &lsquo\;cute&rsquo\; often d uring her life. She&rsquo\;s cute all right. Like a tornado is cute. Like a hurricane is cute. This Yuricane\,&rdquo\; Reed says. &ldquo\;Her poems critique Japanese as well as American society. The Chikan. The arrogance o f the Gaijin\, who\, even when guests in a country\, insist that everybody be like them. Some are erotic. You might find allusions to Richard Wright \, Michelangelo\, John Coltrane. Music is not only entertainment but like something that one injects\, something that invades the nervous system.&rd quo\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240603T063742Z SUMMARY:Yuri Kageyama's Book party at Yoshi's in San Francisco URL:/en/events/2011/08/15/yuri-kageyamas-book-party-at-yoshis-in-san-franc/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR