BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110419T000000Z DTEND:20110419T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Presented by the BC Japan Earthquake Relief Fund</stron g> (website <a href="" target="_blank"></a> )\ n\nTicket sales start on Friday\, April 2\, through Ticket Master.\n\nRese rved seating tickets $35\, $25 (students\, seniors\, youth)\, limited numb er of dress circle\, $75. Prices include the HST.\n\nAll the performers ha ve donated their time including <strong>Jon Kimura Parker</strong> who wil l perform with more than 40 members of the <strong>Vancouver Symphony Orch estra</strong> . He and the VSO will be performing the Grammy-winning Moza rt Concerto 27. Other performers include members from <strong>Doug and the Slugs\,&nbsp\;54-40\, Jim Byrnes\, Bill Henderson </strong> and <strong>S affron Henderson\, Simon Kendall\, Mae Moore</strong> and others!\n\nAll t he taiko groups in the Lower Mainland will come to play together on stage. All proceeds will go towards the disaster relief effort in the Tohoku Reg ion of Japan that was stricken by the earthquake and tsunami on March 11. Thank you! DTSTAMP:20240604T035718Z SUMMARY:"Ganbare Japan!" fund raiser in Vancouver\, BC URL:/en/events/2011/04/19/ganbare-japan-fund-raiser-in-vancouver-bc/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR