BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101030T000000Z DTEND:20101030T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>Patsy Mink: Ahead of the Majority</em> is a one-hour docume ntary by Kimberlee Bassford that explores the remarkable political story o f Patsy Mink\, an Asian American woman who\, battling racism and sexism\, redefined American politics. \n \n Small in stature but a giant in vision\ , she began her life on a Maui sugar plantation and rose to become the fir st Asian American woman and woman of color in the United States Congress. A firecracker and a fighter\, she continually pushed the limits of what wa s acceptable\, speaking out against the Vietnam War and entering the 1972 presidential primary\, making her one of the first women to seek the natio n&rsquo\;s highest office. She transformed America&rsquo\;s schools as the co-author of Title IX\, the landmark legislation that opened up higher ed ucation and athletics to women.\n \n <a href=" tml" target="_blank">Purchase a copy of <strong><em>Patsy Mink: Ahead of t he Majority</em> </strong> at the Museum Store Online &gt\;&gt\;</a>\n\nFr ee with Museum admission. For info\, visit <a href="" t arget="_blank"></a> . DTSTAMP:20240601T135825Z SUMMARY:FILM SCREENING -- Patsy Mink: Ahead of the Majority -- a film by Ki mberlee Bassford URL:/en/events/2010/10/30/film-screening-patsy-mink-ahead-of-the-majorit/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR