BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100418T000000Z DTEND:20100418T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Booksigning in the NJAHS Gallery with Shigeru Yabu and illustra tor Willie Ito Cherry Blossom Weekend!\n\nAt the onset of World War II\, n early 120\,000 Japanese Americans were incarcerated in concentration camps . Inspired by Shigeru Yabu&rsquo\;s youthful camp experiences\, &ldquo\;A Boy of Heart Mountain&rdquo\; is a poignant coming-of-age story and a cele bration of the human spirit under duress.Shigeru Yabu and former Disney il lustratror Willie Ito will be on handin the NJAHS Gallery to sign this won derful new book!&nbsp\; The booksignings will be from 1p - 4p on Saturday\ , April 17\, 2010 and from 3:30p to 5p on Sunday\, April 18\, 2010. The NJ AHS Gallery and Gift Shop is located at 1684 Post St. (between Webster and Laguna) in San Francisco Japantown. Drop by during the Cherry Blossom Fes tival! DTSTAMP:20240602T170912Z SUMMARY:A Boy of Heart Mountain: Based on and inspired by the experiences o f Shigeru Yabu URL:/en/events/2010/04/18/a-boy-of-heart-mountain-based-on-and-inspired-by/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR