BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091004T000000Z DTEND:20091004T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Dance &amp\; Music/Sound \n <strong>\n</strong> \n On <strong >Sunday\, </strong> <strong>October 4th\, </strong> \n EDE presents <str ong>Dance &amp\; Music/Sound </strong> \, a program exhibiting four dance works extending traditional boundaries as well as establishing a new relat ionship with music/sound. The performance will conclude with post-sh ow dialogue upon the topic below:\n\n<a href="http://epiphanydance.blogspo">Epiphany Dance Experiment</a>\n\nEpiphany Dance Experiment (EDE) i s a unique new work and gathering site charged with the development of the dance arts in Chicago. Utilizing the beautiful\, historic space of Epipha ny Episcopal Church in Chicago&rsquo\;s West Loop neighborhood\, EDE hopes to be the place where artists try new things\, exchange ideas and grow th eir audience. Please contact for your Suggestion/Support/Inquiry: furyuaya jp at\n\nMore info about Dancer Artist Ayako Kato\n\n<strong><a href="" target="_blank">http://www.artun</a> </strong> \n Below is an recent article published i n the Reader.\n <a href=" ontent?oid=1185118" target="_blank"> yako-kato/Content?oid=1185118</a>\n<p style="margin-bottom: 12pt\;">&nbsp\ ;\n\n<p style="margin: 0px\;"><strong>Dance &amp\; Music/Sound </strong>\n \n<p style="margin: 0px\;">Music is played as itself\, yet it is common to view dance with music/sound. What kind of relationship those two has and how the relationship evolved in the history of artistic dance? Here\, we o bserve and discuss how those two are related to each other and how choreog raphers/dance artists decide the sound/music for their works of dance. It will be also shared how each dance artist perceive sound/music differently .\n\n DTSTAMP:20240602T170917Z SUMMARY:Ayako Kato Presents Epiphany Dance Experiment Dance Series FALL 200 9 URL:/en/events/2009/10/04/ayako-kato-presents-epiphany-dance-experiment-dan c/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR