BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070418T000000Z DTEND:20070418T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Asian American Studies Center and the Department of Asian A merican\nStudies Present The Aratani Chair Speakers Series\n\n<strong> ** THE DYNAMICS OF OKINAWAN IDENTITY: RECENT REVITALIZATION IN HAWAI'I ** </ strong>\n\n Three outstanding scholars share their research about this com plex and critical sector of the contemporary Japanese and Japanese America n communities.\n\n "How We Became Uchinanchu: The Revitalization of Okinaw an Identity\,\n Wesley Ueunten (UC Berkeley)\n\n "Hairy Men & Andagi Ladie s: Gendering the Revitalization of Okinawan Identity\,"\n Joyce Chinen (UH I)\n\n Commentator: Ben Kobashigawa (SFSU)\n\n Date and time: Wednesday\, April 18\, 2007\, 6 to 7:30 pm \n\nPlace: Charles E. Young Presentation Ro om\, 11348 (to the side of the main circulation desk). Seating is limited \, and on a first-come\, first- served basis.\n\n Co-sponsors: Asian Ameri can Graduate Student Association and the Charles E. Young Research Library \n\n Program will include an illustrative performance by Wesley Ueunten on the sanshin (an Okinawan musical instrument)\, in an Okinawan American st yle.\n DTSTAMP:20240603T142805Z SUMMARY:"The Dynamics of Okinawan Identity" UCLA Speaker Series URL:/en/events/2007/04/18/the-dynamics-of-okinawan-identity-ucla-speaker-se r/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR