BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230318T000000Z DTEND:20230318T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join for an exclusive conversation for JANM members with renown ed author <strong>David Mas Masumoto</strong> and artist <strong>Patric ia Wakida</strong> about their new book\, <em>Secret Harvests: A Hidden Story of Separation\, Silence\, Shame\, and the Resilience of a Family Far m</em>.\n\nMembers who attend will also receive early access to seating fo r the 2:00pm JANM Book Club event. RSVP for that program <a href="https:/ / asumoto-and-patricia-wakida">here</a>.\n\n<a href="http://9644p.blackbaudh\;txobjid=a67907f2-1da0-42f5-9d4f-e0e650 006b84">RSVP NOW</a>\n\nABOUT DAVID MAS MASUMOTO:\n<strong>David Mas Masum oto</strong> is an organic farmer\, author\, and activist. His book <em> Epitaph for a Peach</em> won the Julia Child Cookbook award and was a fin alist for a James Beard award. His writing has been awarded a Commonwealth Club of California silver medal and the Independent Publisher Books bronz e medal. He has been honored by Rodale Institute as an "Organic Pioneer." He has served on the boards of the James Irvine Foundation\, Public Policy Institute of California\, Cal Humanities\, and the National Council on th e Arts with nomination by President Obama. He farms with his wife Marcy an d two adult children\, Nikiko and Koro. They reside in a hundred-year-old farmhouse surrounded by their eighty-acre organic peach\, nectarine\, apri cot\, and raisin farm outside of Fresno\, California.\n\nABOUT PATRICIA WA KIDA:\nLinoleum block and letterpress artist <strong>Patricia Miye Wakida </strong> grew up in Fresno\, California. In addition to maintaining her own linoleum block and letterpress studio under the wasabi press imprint\, she frequently writes about Japanese American history and culture. She is a Yonsei (fourth-generation Japanese American)\, whose parents were incar cerated as children in the Jerome (Arkansas) and Gila River (Arizona) Worl d War II Japanese American concentration camps. She lives in Oakland\, Cal ifornia with her husband and son\, cats\, and chickens.\n\n DTSTAMP:20240605T185154Z SUMMARY:Members Meet-and-Greet: David Mas Masumoto and Patricia Wakida URL:/en/events/2023/03/18/members-meet-and-greet-david-mas-masumoto-and-pat / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR