BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220415T000000Z DTEND:20220415T000000Z DESCRIPTION:April 15\, 2022 at 7 pm - 8 pm (PT) via Zoom (sign-in required) \n[in English]\n\nJoin documentary filmmaker Beth Harrington and Universit y of California Irvine Professor Glen Mimura\, as they bring to life the s ecrets of Japanese photographer Frank Matsura who came to the U.S. in 1901 when he was 27 years old. Known for his Western portraits of Indigenous p eoples and those living in Okanogan\, Washington\, much of Matsura’s lif e still remains unknown. Why did he come to Seattle from Japan? Why move t o Okanogan to set up a photography studio? Why did he start to take photos of indigenous people? Together Harrington and Mimura will give the audien ce a glimpse into possible answers to these questions and even premiere a clip from Harrington’s upcoming documentary centering around Frank Matsu ra.\n\n Register today!\n<a href=" clid=IwAR0D23xGdMoVBo2QpkUx-l8JKYkFAh7-lrSKz6dHOGoqzOpUccmm2cNQgrU" target ="_blank"></a>\n(Registration will clo se at 5 pm (PT) on April 14\, 2022)\n\n-------\n\nAbout the Northwest Nikk ei Museum Speaker Series\n\nLearn about Japanese American history and comm unity development through a new\, monthly program with the Northwest Nikke i Museum(NNM)! We’ll cover a variety of topics and perspectives related to Japanese Americans in the Northwest and beyond\, with a new speaker eve ry third Friday of the month! DTSTAMP:20240603T132629Z SUMMARY:Frank Matsura: The Japanese Man Behind the Camera | Speaker Series URL:/en/events/2022/04/15/frank-matsura-the-japanese-man-behind-the-camera/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR