BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220218T000000Z DTEND:20220218T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<p style="white-space:pre-wrap\;">We will be hosting a panel wi th community members <strong>Ats Kiuchi\,</strong> member of <a href="http s://">Omoide writing group</a> \, <strong>Eile en Yamada Lamphere</strong> \, President of <a href="https://www.puyallupv">Puyallup Valley Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)</ a> \,and <strong>Karen Yoshitomi\,</strong> Executive Director of the JCCC W\, in honor of Day of Remembrance and the 80th anniversary of Executive O rder 9066.\n\n<p style="white-space:pre-wrap\;">During the hour\, viewers will listen to these community members’ roles in the Japanese American c ommunity and their experiences with the lasting effects of EO9066.\n \n ✅ Register today!\n <a href="\;h=AT0pJrmnwd2HUlj3gDK-_PGQjNuSvng7y8 jLlRs3vOIN2EC3K8WQ4TYHdbMigOYibI4bpii6pYBTMlOTUsxD55WpDsq1q7JoDvPKsEVAbOas AglN22VAS5eVWNAUJMsBXVNEbqqyDvkDSxUVjCk" target="_blank">https://www.jcccw .org/speaker-series</a> \n (Registration will close at 5 pm (PT) on Februa ry 17\, 2022)\n \n -------\n About the Northwest Nikkei Museum Speaker Ser ies\n Learn about Japanese American history and community development thro ugh a new\, monthly program with the Northwest Nikkei Museum(NNM)! We’ll cover a variety of topics and perspectives related to Japanese Americans in the Northwest and beyond\, with a new speaker every third Friday of the month!\n\n DTSTAMP:20240603T163524Z SUMMARY:Executive Order 9066 | Speaker Series URL:/en/events/2022/02/18/executive-order-9066-speaker-series/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR