BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210326T000000Z DTEND:20210328T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>When:</strong> Friday\, March 26th - Sunday March 28th |&nbsp\; 10AM - 3 PM&nbsp\; | By Appointment ONLY\n\n<strong>Where:</stron g> Japanese Cultural &amp\; Community Center of Washington\, 1414 S. Welle r St.\, Seattle\, WA 98144\n\n<strong>Make appointments:</strong> &nbsp\;O nline Registration for appointments will open in early March at <a href="h ttps://"> hings-japanese-sale</a>\n\nAs winter turns to spring\, join the JCCCW for a Spring Rummage Sale! Similar to our annual All Things Japanese Sale\, th is rummage sale has something for everyone including dolls\, furniture\, f ans\, clothing\, accessories\, plush toys\, jewelry\, books and much more. There is something for everyone with hundreds of items for sale and price s starting at just $0.25 ! Income generated from the event will go toward supporting the mission of JCCCW to preserve\, promote\, and share Japanese and Japanese American culture and heritage.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n\nAll major cr edit cards are accepted\, as well as cash.\n\nTo stay in accordance with s afety guidelines\, all visitors are required to make an appointment to sho p at this sale. While on site\, masks are required to be worn at all times \, covering from your nose to your chin. Social distancing will be enforce d. We ask for your patience and cooperation through this unprecedented tim e\, for the safety of staff\, volunteers\, and visitors.&nbsp\;\n\nLearn m ore at&nbsp\;<a href="">http s://</a>\n\n------\n\n<strong>Donate !</strong>\n\nWe will accept all Japanese art\, antique\, vintage\, househ old and collectible items through Saturday\, March 20th. The drop-off site is located in the alley off of 16th Ave S. between Weller St. and King St . Items can be dropped off Thursday - Saturday between 10 AM and 3 PM or b y appointment.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Volunteering:</strong>\n\nWe are looking for a few volunteers to help with preparations\, as well as on the day of. Contact Aiko Mizumori Canfield at <a href="">aikom@</a>\n DTSTAMP:20240601T232017Z SUMMARY:Spring All Thing Japanese Sale URL:/en/events/2021/03/26/spring-all-thing-japanese-sale/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR