BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190224T000000Z DTEND:20190224T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Nihonmachi Little Friends (NLF) is presenting its annual theate r production and auction\, &ldquo\;Dowa no Omatsuri: A Festival of Childre n&rsquo\;s Stories&rdquo\; on&nbsp\;<strong>Sunday\, February 24\, 2019</s trong>.&nbsp\; The event takes place at the Palace of Fine Arts Theater in San Francisco and features GenRyu Arts and the students of NLF.&nbsp\;&nb sp\;\n\nHighlights include the preschoolers&rsquo\; performances of &ldquo \;Sweet Dreams&rdquo\; and &ldquo\;A Journey Together\,&rdquo\; showcasing the creativity of the children and teachers\, and &ldquo\;NLF&rsquo\;s Su per Bowl AFTER Show\,&rdquo\; featuring commercials for the students&rsquo \; invented products presented by the elementary school-age children of th e After School Program.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;The silent auction and live entertain ment begin at 12pm in the lobby preceding the 1:30pm theater show.&nbsp\; A raffle and refreshments in the lobby will follow the theater performance .\n\nTickets to the event are $30 in advance\, (2 or more are $25 each)\, or $40 at the door for adults.&nbsp\; Youth 5 to 17 years are $10\; and ch ildren four years and under are free.&nbsp\; Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the programs and operations of NLF.&nbsp\; For more informat ion on the event\, contact NLF at (415) 922-8898 or email at nlfchildcare@ DTSTAMP:20240603T161858Z SUMMARY:NLF's Annual Theater Show URL:/en/events/2019/02/24/nlfs-annual-theater-show/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR