BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190123T000000Z DTEND:20190123T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for the G&acirc\;teau au Chocolat workshop using rice f lour (gluten-free).&nbsp\;\nNorie Uematsu\, a pastry chef at Cha-an Teahou se\, will teach you how to make this perfect 6-inch size cake recipe for V alentine&rsquo\;s day from scratch!\n\nG&acirc\;teau au Chocolat is a Fren ch chocolate cake flavored with melted chocolate and cocoa powder which is also very popular in Japan. Please choose the day below.\n\nDate: January 23rd\, (Wed)&nbsp\;\nTime: 6:45pm - 9:15pm&nbsp\;\nLocation: Chakura (Cha -an Private Space 3rd Fl)&nbsp\;\nAddress: 230 E. 9th St. 3rd Fl. New York \, NY 10003&nbsp\;\nPrice: $70+tax (includes materials\, take-home box\, a nd Japanese meal)&nbsp\;\nMaximum Guest: 8 ppl\n\nDate: January 24th\, (Th ur)&nbsp\;\nTime: 11:30am - 2:00pm&nbsp\;\nLocation: Chakura (Cha-an Priva te Space 3rd Fl)&nbsp\;\nAddress: 230 E. 9th St. 3rd Fl. New York\, NY 100 03&nbsp\;\nPrice: $70+tax (includes materials\, take-home box\, and Japane se meal)&nbsp\;\nMaximum Guest: 8 ppl\n\nTeacher: Norie Uematsu&nbsp\;\nAb out Norie Uematsu: After graduating from Ecole H&ocirc\;teli&egrave\;r TSU JI Tokyo\, Norie started her career as a Pastry Chef at Tokyo Hotel Numazu . Moving to New York in 2004\, she further developed her skills working at many restaurants around NYC\, including Maison Kayser. In 2017\, she join ed Cha-An Teahouse as Head Pastry Chef.\n\nFor more info &amp\; reservatio n:&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blank">www.chakuran</a>\n\n*Class cancellations and delays are occasionally necessar y due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances or under-enrollmen t.&nbsp\;\nWe appreciate your understanding.* DTSTAMP:20240601T173053Z SUMMARY:*SOLD OUT*Gateau Au Chocolat Workshop* URL:/en/events/2019/01/23/sold-outgateau-au-chocolat-workshop/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR