BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20181201T000000Z DTEND:20181201T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE</strong>\n\nStories of World War II\, hailing from both sides of the Pacific\, paint a pictur e of how Japanese and Japanese American ancestors experienced everyday lif e during those treacherous times.\n\nYonsei Nicole Cherry and Kristen Haya shi\, and shin-Nikkei Ayumi Nagata and Natsumi Shibata will share personal family stories passed down through generations. In a discussion moderated by Diana Tsuchida\, the panelists will explore the ideas of missing home and family\, the fear of the unknown\, the commonality of not talking abou t the war experience\, and what it was like uncovering family histories.\n \nThis program is free\, but RSVPs are recommended using the link below.\n \n<span style="color: #005500\;"><a href="https://9644p.blackbaudhosting.c om/9644p/tickets?tab=2&amp\;txobjid=c02b5542-957f-49c9-a12c-d8e80a4c4f7a" target="_blank">RSVP NOW &gt\;&gt\;</a>\n<em>Presented with Go For Broke N ational Education Center (GFBNEC).</em>\n<em><span style="font-size: x-sma ll\;">In the Tateuchi Democracy Forum</em>\n\nCheck <a href="http://www.ja" target="_blank"></a> for updates.<stron g></strong> DTSTAMP:20240601T032703Z SUMMARY:The Words We Hold URL:/en/events/2018/12/01/the-words-we-hold/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR