BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180915T000000Z DTEND:20180915T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In California in the 1970s\, Mark Nagata was living an all-Amer ican childhood when an aunt and uncle serving on a US military base in Jap an sent him a box filled with colorful&nbsp\;<em>kaiju</em>&nbsp\;and hero toys. For Nagata\, those toys and the artwork of their packaging inspired him to study art\, to zealously collect vintage Japanese vinyl toys\, and to become a toy designer himself.\n\nJoin Mark Nagata for a gallery tour during which he&rsquo\;ll share more about his passion and his collection of toys. Limited to 25 participants.\n\nRSVP by September 11 using the lin k below. You can also contact&nbsp\;<a><span style="text-decoration: under line\;"></a>&nbsp\;or 213.830.5646.\n\n<a href="https ://\;txobjid=d086201e-99 17-477f-90b9-116096c96f70" target="_blank">RSVP NOW &gt\;&gt\;</a>\n\nNot a member? <a href="" targ et="_blank">Click here to become a member</a>.\n\n<span style="color: #333 333\;"><span style="font-family: Arial\;">In conjunction with the exhibiti on&nbsp\;<a href=""><em>Kaiju vs Heroes: Mark Nagata's Journey through the World of Japanese Toys</em>< /a>\n<span style="color: #333333\;"><span style="font-family: Arial\;">Che ck <a href="" target="_blank"></a> f or updates. DTSTAMP:20240603T162009Z SUMMARY:Members Only Exhibition Tour: "Kaiju vs Heroes" URL:/en/events/2018/09/15/members-only-exhibition-tour-kaiju-vs-heroes/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR