BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180130T000000Z DTEND:20180130T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In observance of Fred T. Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution\, the Santa Clara County Superior Court has joined with several community organizations to present two events to recognize and p ay homage to Fred T. Korematsu and his role in the advancement of civil r ights. \n\nIn 1944\, Mr. Korematsu appealed his conviction for violating the WWII laws detaining U.S. citizens because of their Japanese ancestry to the U.S. Supreme Court. \n\nIn 1983\, he successfully filed a writ o f coram nobis in federal court and won a decision overturning his convicti on. \n\nTwo upcoming events provide a unique opportunity to hear one of the lead attorneys and the judge who participated in that historic 1983 d ecision\, discuss its importance in today's world.\n\n<strong>Tuesday\, J anuary 30\, 2018</strong>  at the Santa Clara County Family Justice Cente r from 12 noon - 1:30 p.m.\n\nThe Superior Court will host Hon. Marilyn Ha ll Patel <span style="font-size: 12.0pt\;">(ret.). Judge Patel will be p resenting a "View from the Bench" perspective of her 1983 decision revers ing Fred Korematsu's conviction for violating the WWII detention and inca rceration orders\, in which she acknowledged the "manifest injustice" to Mr. Korematsu and the over 120\,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry who we re incarcerated. \n\nJudge Patel will be providing her lively recollecti ons of that historic case and her unique perspective as to how it relates to current events in politics and the court.\n\nRSVP is required as spac e is limited. Please RSVP to by January 23\, 2018.\n\nJu dge Roberta Hayashi\, who was sworn to the Santa Clara Bench on January 3 0\, 2015\, a day selected to honor Fred Korematsu\, calls him "a civil ri ghts hero. Not only did Mr. Korematsu seek justice for himself\, but for all U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry who were detained and incarcerated during WWII\, and ultimately sought justice for all." \n\nAfter the hi storic 1983 decision that bears his name\, Fred T. Korematsu continued to fight for constitutional rights\, speaking out against post-9/11 discrim ination against Muslim and Arab Americans. \n\nIn 1998\, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom\, the nation's highest civilian honor. In 2010\, the State of California passed the Fred Korematsu Day bill\, makin g January 30 the first day in the U.S. named after an Asian American. DTSTAMP:20240605T150622Z SUMMARY:Santa Clara Superior Court and JAMsj Honors the Legacy of Civil Rig hts Leader Fred T. Korematsu URL:/en/events/2018/01/30/santa-clara-superior-court-and-jamsj-honors-the-l e/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR