BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150507T000000Z DTEND:20150507T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Since 1989\,<strong>&nbsp\;Jay Rubin&nbsp\;</strong>has transla ted many of Haruki Murakami's most successful and prize-winning novels\, i ncluding&nbsp\;<em>The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle</em>\,<em>&nbsp\;Norwegian W ood</em>&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;<em>1Q84</em>. In this program\, he is joined by& nbsp\;<strong>Ted Goossen</strong>\, translator of Murakami's most recent U.S. publications\,&nbsp\;<em>The Strange Library&nbsp\;</em>(Knopf\, Dece mber 2014) and&nbsp\;<em>Wind/Pinball: Two Early Novels&nbsp\;</em>(Knopf\ , August 2015)\, and co-editor of&nbsp\;<em>Monkey Business&nbsp\;</em>lit erary magazine\, which showcases the best of contemporary Japanese literat ure for an international audience. They will discuss the unique challenges of translating modern Japanese literary works into American English\, and vice versa. Rubin will also talk about his transition from translator to novelist&nbsp\;<em>vis-&agrave\;-vis&nbsp\;</em>his debut novel&nbsp\;<em> The Sun Gods</em>. Joining the discussion from Tokyo will be authors&nbsp\ ;<strong>Aoko Matsuda&nbsp\;</strong>and&nbsp\;<strong>Satoshi Kitamura</s trong>\, and&nbsp\;<strong>Motoyuki Shibata</strong>\, friend and translat ing partner of Murakami\, former University of Tokyo professor\, and the J apanese translator of such American literary luminaries as Paul Auster and Thomas Pynchon. Author&nbsp\;<strong>Roland Kelts</strong>\, co-editor of &nbsp\;<em>Monkey Business</em>\, moderates the discussion.<em>Followed by a reception.</em>\n<strong>Tickets:&nbsp\;</strong>$12/$8 Japan Society m embers\, students &amp\; seniors DTSTAMP:20240606T164235Z SUMMARY:The Magical Art of Translation: From Haruki Murakami to Japan's Lat est Storytellers URL:/en/events/2015/05/07/the-magical-art-of-translation-from-haruki-muraka / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR